Tonight will be a time of celebration and countdown to the new year~
It looks like I'll be heading off with the parents to watch my dad and his friends play music, and I'll also stop by my friend's house to do a little gamin' (rumor has it that Mama Jude is gonna come out with her new "Price is Right" game:) )...
The food will be a-flourishin and hopefully the laughter will be rumblin'~
Get out the Katawba Juice and bring in the New Year well!
Hasta Entonces...
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
News Downhill
I don't know the number of college students, or high schoolers for that matter, who watch the news. And yes, I strongly believe it is important--vital--to be informed and have an opinion on the happenings and views of the U.S. and further countries... But what I find myself more and more disappointed in is the quality of the news. Now you can't watch CNN , which USED to be my favorite news station, without seeing reports and reviews of celebrities and their drunken occurrences or hearing about the reaction of a statement that was made by Britney Spears, etc... As society grows, it seems that more and more it is extremely tainted... whether it is by bias, bad coverage, governmental influence, or what have you... so when watching the news, we must remember to use our "personal filter."
--I also recommend watching/listening to BBC News
They have shown to me the most commendable service .
:)With inquisitive interest to worldly events,
--I also recommend watching/listening to BBC News
They have shown to me the most commendable service .
:)With inquisitive interest to worldly events,
Found: old CD that was in need of being discovered
Go dig through your cupboards, search through your dressers!---I finally ventured through the mass of my CD's and uncovered an old... Coldplay assorted LIVE CD that my brother had burned some time ago!
Upon popping that thing in the CD player, my mind went into a "euphoric" state... I hadn't realized how much I had missed Coldplay:)
So get goin on it!
Upon popping that thing in the CD player, my mind went into a "euphoric" state... I hadn't realized how much I had missed Coldplay:)
So get goin on it!
Lazy Sunday~
Today I lavished in what I did... which, actually to specifically explain what I did is to say "not too much!"
Isn't it great to say that sometimes??? I mean gosh--I loved it! Today
was a good, very low-key day when I wasn't worried about getting a
thing done!
I believe for humanity's mental health, it would serve us well to allow ourselves to appreciate this specific "lackadaisical" mentality... of course, the utilizing of this mind-set would not be healthy to have daily... but to realize and cherish the slowness of life can be very "endorphin-releasing" on one's state of mind and simple outlook on life!
Thoreau and Emerson were good predictors of the stresses future-America would endure... so let's give ourselves a break from those ulcer-causers and relax, eh!
Isn't it great to say that sometimes??? I mean gosh--I loved it! Today
was a good, very low-key day when I wasn't worried about getting a
thing done!
I believe for humanity's mental health, it would serve us well to allow ourselves to appreciate this specific "lackadaisical" mentality... of course, the utilizing of this mind-set would not be healthy to have daily... but to realize and cherish the slowness of life can be very "endorphin-releasing" on one's state of mind and simple outlook on life!
Thoreau and Emerson were good predictors of the stresses future-America would endure... so let's give ourselves a break from those ulcer-causers and relax, eh!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Putting the Hockey Skates to the Test
I almost had to take a spill in order to find out that hockey skates do not have a back to them [like figure skates do]. But soon I realized the benefits of these hockey skates that were before foreign to me... now I didn't have to worry about tripping over the small "spikes" that the front point of the figure skates have, i could skate backwards much easier, and although the small children wearing face masks were skating oblivious to all people around them, I actually felt much more comfortable skating than the last time I had... the legs were letting loose and the fears were becoming minimal! Wohooo!!
This break I am trying to do some more "unique" things--it's nice to get out of the house and do something I ordinarily wouldn't do. However, I've gotta say that the small girls on the rink whipping out the professional spins, jumps, and whatnot,...well they were a little intimidating! ;)
To the Bud King Ice Arena!
This break I am trying to do some more "unique" things--it's nice to get out of the house and do something I ordinarily wouldn't do. However, I've gotta say that the small girls on the rink whipping out the professional spins, jumps, and whatnot,...well they were a little intimidating! ;)
To the Bud King Ice Arena!
As I type this up, the Mariachi music is going is the background... what a way to start off a Saturday morning...:) I fell asleep reading last night, and I later found out this morning that my team won against Mankato--Winona State Warriors!
I woke up and went to LaCrosse, WI with las padres... we went to the famous Fayze's, for breakfast. I recommend the Belgian Waffle with the fruit plate and yogurt!
Soon, mom and I will be off to go snowshoeing with my friend, Kelly, and her mom. This will be great! St. Mary's University has GREAT skiing and hiking trails. I guess I'll be wearing my grandma's old snowshoes that she used to trek around Wyoming with.
I woke up and went to LaCrosse, WI with las padres... we went to the famous Fayze's, for breakfast. I recommend the Belgian Waffle with the fruit plate and yogurt!
Soon, mom and I will be off to go snowshoeing with my friend, Kelly, and her mom. This will be great! St. Mary's University has GREAT skiing and hiking trails. I guess I'll be wearing my grandma's old snowshoes that she used to trek around Wyoming with.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
what a good movie. finalmente~
I just watched a movie that I can honestly say I thoroughly enjoyed its journey. I miss movies like this. To some, the significance may not be seen, but I just connected with it somehow~
"Namesake" it is.
I enjoyed the company of Mama Brandon and Jefe (Jeff).
Boos Boos (Farsi for Besos),
"Namesake" it is.
I enjoyed the company of Mama Brandon and Jefe (Jeff).
Boos Boos (Farsi for Besos),
Buyin the good books...
Almost hitting 1:30 pm... just browsing the internet for used books. Yes, we must prepare for the upcoming semester. My "Liberating Letters" class looks like it has got some good reading set ahead for us! Lucky for me, my lovely friend Becki informed me of ""... and if that fails, then there's always "Amazon."
Lunch was delicioso today; I recommend homemade split pea soup, if you can help it... right now, warm covers and some more hot beverages are calling my name... maybe with some scones included!....mmmm
Lunch was delicioso today; I recommend homemade split pea soup, if you can help it... right now, warm covers and some more hot beverages are calling my name... maybe with some scones included!....mmmm
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Reuniting w/ some old faces
Tonight my friend and I, amongst numerous people that had gone to high school with us, were reflecting together about how it's nice to see your close friends again and to continue to appreciate the people they are and their unique personalities that you've always loved and enjoyed...
It's good from time to time to be reminded of your former environment, for example, those who possibly helped encourage you to be how you are now... or for some, those who made you realize who you do not want to be.
But cheers to the friends of life~past, present, and future...
It's good from time to time to be reminded of your former environment, for example, those who possibly helped encourage you to be how you are now... or for some, those who made you realize who you do not want to be.
But cheers to the friends of life~past, present, and future...
Journey to the Acoustic Cafe
Mom and I are here in the good hometown of Winona... break has been good... really nice. I am surprising myself by the amount I have slept in - Sleeping in, for me, is usually 9 am. Since break began, I have almost stayed in bed until around 10:30 - impressive!
But it's snowing today! So we decided to walk to one of Winona's most infamous coffee shops, "Acoustic." The snow is light and it just gives you a content feeling.mmmm. Work wasn't too bad this morning; no Chuck Norris jokes - yet.
Speaking of walking, though, it really is a nice idea to get and and venture to your destinations! Acoustic isn't too far from my house, so why not walk!? I am a big promoter of caring for the environment, so I have to live out what I promote and use alternative forms of transportation, for example, when I can and even when I may not feel like it. For one reason, walking rather than driving helps me to relax and replenishes me with an understanding of why I love to be outdoors. Furthermore, the other night while walking home, I noticed myself jumping up and planting my feet into freshly fallen snow, just to look back and see my clear tracks. Then as I was nearing my house, I realized absolutely no car was on the street and no one was around... sure, some homes had their lights on but it just didn't seem to matter... So what did I do? Well I started jumping and spinning around down the middle of the street, doing a little skipping. And might I add that no one was with me... yes, I am still prideful of this "childish" moment. I have decided that people need to lighten up more and not be afraid to make a "fool" of themselves at times!
So I find myself being reminded to live out this challenge...:)
Drink of the day: Cafe Miel
--for ensured enjoyment: add the details of... skinny, extra hot, one espresso shot
But it's snowing today! So we decided to walk to one of Winona's most infamous coffee shops, "Acoustic." The snow is light and it just gives you a content feeling.mmmm. Work wasn't too bad this morning; no Chuck Norris jokes - yet.
Speaking of walking, though, it really is a nice idea to get and and venture to your destinations! Acoustic isn't too far from my house, so why not walk!? I am a big promoter of caring for the environment, so I have to live out what I promote and use alternative forms of transportation, for example, when I can and even when I may not feel like it. For one reason, walking rather than driving helps me to relax and replenishes me with an understanding of why I love to be outdoors. Furthermore, the other night while walking home, I noticed myself jumping up and planting my feet into freshly fallen snow, just to look back and see my clear tracks. Then as I was nearing my house, I realized absolutely no car was on the street and no one was around... sure, some homes had their lights on but it just didn't seem to matter... So what did I do? Well I started jumping and spinning around down the middle of the street, doing a little skipping. And might I add that no one was with me... yes, I am still prideful of this "childish" moment. I have decided that people need to lighten up more and not be afraid to make a "fool" of themselves at times!
So I find myself being reminded to live out this challenge...:)
Drink of the day: Cafe Miel
--for ensured enjoyment: add the details of... skinny, extra hot, one espresso shot
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
International Calling
If anyone is looking for a good source to get cheap international/state-to-state calling, use "Penny Talk."
For the majority of states and countries, they only charge you 2 cents per minute! Just go to and they will not rip you off:)
Well, there's my helpful hint for the night!
For the majority of states and countries, they only charge you 2 cents per minute! Just go to and they will not rip you off:)
Well, there's my helpful hint for the night!
Back to the Factory...
So some extra money will be nice, right? ...
At least this is the mentality I am trying to have, since being hired once again to go back to one of my part-time summer jobs - Wincraft - the factory where I am a "decal girl."
Sitting at a table for four hours (minus the one, ten minute break I get--thank God; I savor those ten short minutes that allow me to do some brisk reading or, if I really feel like it, go outside with the women and watch them smoke), putting stickers on decorative football and baseball helmets, making sure all the bubbles are out, etc.
Sometimes, if I am lucky, we will have license plates in and then all I'll have to do is just put stickers on the objects...
I guess chatting at the table helps the time pass by faster... but we can't get too loud without some reprimation. Karl also does tell some damn good Chuck Norris jokes. I guess at 6:30 in the morning, after being up since 5:45, a good laugh can brighten the remaining four hours.
So this is kind of the jist of what I'll be doing from 6:30 am to 10:30 am for the rest of break... minus saturday's and sunday's (thank Dios)...
At least my dad will be up to eat breakfast with me!
And tommorrow it all begins...
At least this is the mentality I am trying to have, since being hired once again to go back to one of my part-time summer jobs - Wincraft - the factory where I am a "decal girl."
Sitting at a table for four hours (minus the one, ten minute break I get--thank God; I savor those ten short minutes that allow me to do some brisk reading or, if I really feel like it, go outside with the women and watch them smoke), putting stickers on decorative football and baseball helmets, making sure all the bubbles are out, etc.
Sometimes, if I am lucky, we will have license plates in and then all I'll have to do is just put stickers on the objects...
I guess chatting at the table helps the time pass by faster... but we can't get too loud without some reprimation. Karl also does tell some damn good Chuck Norris jokes. I guess at 6:30 in the morning, after being up since 5:45, a good laugh can brighten the remaining four hours.
So this is kind of the jist of what I'll be doing from 6:30 am to 10:30 am for the rest of break... minus saturday's and sunday's (thank Dios)...
At least my dad will be up to eat breakfast with me!
And tommorrow it all begins...
Monday, December 24, 2007
The Departed
Christmas Eve: finished off with the movie "The Departed"
[Movie's] Ending: very fulfilling
Recommended: Yes
Tomorrow Morning: pancakes, bacon, and some yogurt
Happy Christmas Eve!
[Movie's] Ending: very fulfilling
Recommended: Yes
Tomorrow Morning: pancakes, bacon, and some yogurt
Happy Christmas Eve!
Felices Navidades a todos!!!
Happy Holidays***
I hope that all are surrounded by the presence of people they love tonight~
My parents and I just got back home from a day in Austin [Spam Town], MN. There, visited my great aunt's house and my grandma's house. The food was delicioso and I would have to say my new favorite desert of the season is the... Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookie!
What a great idea. It made the cookies even better just knowing that my two adorable young cousins made them with their mom... oh those tiny little fingers:)
Grandma Lois made us smile with her cooking (that once used to be of superb German style, but fatefully and lovingly, has gone down hill..) -- the mashed potatos were from a TV-Dinner box and were still a bit chunky... and all the rest of the food offered was quite variety-filled. Although, I did thoroughly enjoy her lobster stew!
--Mom says maybe we should start taking Grandma out to eat when we visit her from now on..;)
Love the families; love 'em!
~Best Season Cheer
I hope that all are surrounded by the presence of people they love tonight~
My parents and I just got back home from a day in Austin [Spam Town], MN. There, visited my great aunt's house and my grandma's house. The food was delicioso and I would have to say my new favorite desert of the season is the... Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookie!
What a great idea. It made the cookies even better just knowing that my two adorable young cousins made them with their mom... oh those tiny little fingers:)
Grandma Lois made us smile with her cooking (that once used to be of superb German style, but fatefully and lovingly, has gone down hill..) -- the mashed potatos were from a TV-Dinner box and were still a bit chunky... and all the rest of the food offered was quite variety-filled. Although, I did thoroughly enjoy her lobster stew!
--Mom says maybe we should start taking Grandma out to eat when we visit her from now on..;)
Love the families; love 'em!
~Best Season Cheer
Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Brandon House
Speaking of passing time by having some good conversations with the friends' parents...
Today I was at my friend, Kelly's house (again) and we were celebrating her grandma's birthday. This afternoon I got some of the best laughs that I have had in a while. I hope I am that kickin when I am in my 80's. Let's just say that Grandma Smith has a very unique, dry, but utterly hilarious sense of humor (and might I add, it is definitely without trying!)... she may be in her 80's; but she is one slick lady;)
So... the point of this post... well, I guess I am trying to make one up as I am typing these words...
Ok - here it is:
Do not underestimate the elderly because just when you think grandma or grandpa might not know what's going on, they'll pull a fast one on you!
Today I was at my friend, Kelly's house (again) and we were celebrating her grandma's birthday. This afternoon I got some of the best laughs that I have had in a while. I hope I am that kickin when I am in my 80's. Let's just say that Grandma Smith has a very unique, dry, but utterly hilarious sense of humor (and might I add, it is definitely without trying!)... she may be in her 80's; but she is one slick lady;)
So... the point of this post... well, I guess I am trying to make one up as I am typing these words...
Ok - here it is:
Do not underestimate the elderly because just when you think grandma or grandpa might not know what's going on, they'll pull a fast one on you!
Please please pleaaase ---look this up on Google:
"Landlord Pearl"
It's probably old news but my RA, Natalie, just introduced it to me a few weeks ago and it still hasn't gotten old to watch it!
Will Ferrell always does it!
And yes! My brother is home from Iraq!!!*
"Landlord Pearl"
It's probably old news but my RA, Natalie, just introduced it to me a few weeks ago and it still hasn't gotten old to watch it!
Will Ferrell always does it!
And yes! My brother is home from Iraq!!!*
Friday, December 21, 2007
Right!--the Games!
I forgot to mention that a great way to get some good communal, family/friend time in throughout these holiday relaxations is by playing games!
Tonight at my friend's house we played (and yes, the Mama Judy was there! But where was her daughter, my friend?) "If _______(being a participating player) were _________, then which of (the listed options) would he/she be and why?
It was great to hear some of the responses!
---I was told that if I were a guy, then my name would be Rico.
I would have chosen something along those lines, I suppose!
Tonight at my friend's house we played (and yes, the Mama Judy was there! But where was her daughter, my friend?) "If _______(being a participating player) were _________, then which of (the listed options) would he/she be and why?
It was great to hear some of the responses!
---I was told that if I were a guy, then my name would be Rico.
I would have chosen something along those lines, I suppose!
Some Holiday Gamin'
I finally went back to my high school!! --Well, tonight I went back with some friends (from St. Ben's, St. Thomas, Mankato, etc.) to see my "old" high school guy's basketball team play. It was a win, I must add!
... But let's admit, I enjoyed socializing with the adults much more than I did watching the game. I truly believe one of the aspects I miss most about my hometown is (not including my family) the parents of my friends. It's great the conversations you can get out of your friends' parents. Or is this so commonly found? Maybe I just get my kicks out of different things... like, for example, talking to Judy (my friend Erin's mom) tonight amongst a crowd of cheering/screaming fans. Then later we all (including Judy) resorted to my other friend's house (Judy and this friend's mom are close friends)... So throughout this time I found myself delving into what I had learned in my philosophy class with Professor Crockett. Then we later talked about "humanity's biggest downfall" --the automobile (from an article from my History class w/ Prof. Gustafson) and furthermore went back and forth on how technology has affected people (for the good and bad) ---opinions??
But I am leaving you all with this quote to ponder on for the noche:
(It goes something like this...)
"The Rail Road rides upon man, rather than man riding upon the Rail Road."
... But let's admit, I enjoyed socializing with the adults much more than I did watching the game. I truly believe one of the aspects I miss most about my hometown is (not including my family) the parents of my friends. It's great the conversations you can get out of your friends' parents. Or is this so commonly found? Maybe I just get my kicks out of different things... like, for example, talking to Judy (my friend Erin's mom) tonight amongst a crowd of cheering/screaming fans. Then later we all (including Judy) resorted to my other friend's house (Judy and this friend's mom are close friends)... So throughout this time I found myself delving into what I had learned in my philosophy class with Professor Crockett. Then we later talked about "humanity's biggest downfall" --the automobile (from an article from my History class w/ Prof. Gustafson) and furthermore went back and forth on how technology has affected people (for the good and bad) ---opinions??
But I am leaving you all with this quote to ponder on for the noche:
(It goes something like this...)
"The Rail Road rides upon man, rather than man riding upon the Rail Road."
Thursday, December 20, 2007
"Music Without Borders"
So the image I posted yesterday is AWESOME-- I spent a large part of my afternoon (maybe too large of a part) on this National Geographic music site. It has music from all parts of the world - and from all genres. I'm thinking I might try to get my dad a cd from one of the Norweigian fiddle groups that I saw... he's an avid folk music man.
This year for the Holidays my family and I aren't gonna do the whole presents thing as much... just to save on money and I guess focus on other aspects of "the season." This is fine with me. To tell you the truth, I can't really think of anything I want. All that I have asked for is a detailed map of Europe and Asia. Then, my master plan is, that I can hang it above my bed in the dorm room and subconsciously study it before I go to bed!
And PS-- Has anyone else heard the rumor that Augsburg will be offering Farsi next school year??
I really hope so. I know Farsi relates in no way with spanish--but at least I could be more of a multi-faceted chica!
PS#2-- I miss my roommate!!!
Holiday Relaxations~~
This year for the Holidays my family and I aren't gonna do the whole presents thing as much... just to save on money and I guess focus on other aspects of "the season." This is fine with me. To tell you the truth, I can't really think of anything I want. All that I have asked for is a detailed map of Europe and Asia. Then, my master plan is, that I can hang it above my bed in the dorm room and subconsciously study it before I go to bed!
And PS-- Has anyone else heard the rumor that Augsburg will be offering Farsi next school year??
I really hope so. I know Farsi relates in no way with spanish--but at least I could be more of a multi-faceted chica!
PS#2-- I miss my roommate!!!
Holiday Relaxations~~
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
And we start..tomorrow...
With the end of Sunday night comes the beginning of finals. ...And yes, we are trying to smile and take a deep breath with this thought.
I just got back here to Augsburg around 4 this afternoon... E, Becki, and I went. I had to show them the hometown of Winona. It was a nice, relaxing time. I think we all just really wanted to lay down and watch movies. Which, literally, we could have done for the two days that we were there. But, we did fit a little studying in. Acoustic Cafe, one of the greatest coffee shops you will encounter in the Midwest, was a "work site" on Saturday. The chicken noodle soup helped out my cranky stomach...for a little bit, at least.
Now is just not the time to have a virus! I banking on some good sleep tonight, though!
So tomorrow I'll begin with my Religion final. Professor Quanbeck, you have done us well this past semester! --Hopefully it'll show tomorrow:)
deep sleep to all~~
I just got back here to Augsburg around 4 this afternoon... E, Becki, and I went. I had to show them the hometown of Winona. It was a nice, relaxing time. I think we all just really wanted to lay down and watch movies. Which, literally, we could have done for the two days that we were there. But, we did fit a little studying in. Acoustic Cafe, one of the greatest coffee shops you will encounter in the Midwest, was a "work site" on Saturday. The chicken noodle soup helped out my cranky stomach...for a little bit, at least.
Now is just not the time to have a virus! I banking on some good sleep tonight, though!
So tomorrow I'll begin with my Religion final. Professor Quanbeck, you have done us well this past semester! --Hopefully it'll show tomorrow:)
deep sleep to all~~
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
!Viva La Virgen de Guadalupe!
Tonight, the Spanish Club hosted La Celebracion para La Virgen de Guadalupe.
So happy day of the Virgin of Guadalupe!!! She is extremely celebrated in Mexico, and notably, among Hispanic communities here in MN (or anywhere in the US for that matter)
Juve and I went to La Misa (mass) this morning at 5 AM to attend the special mass in honor of the Virgin. A Mariachi band was there; they sang beautifully and just set the mood. I've got to smile because Juve and I actually got there quite earlier than we needed to be... But oh well! Valio la pena.
At least I didn't listen to my dear friend when he told me he thought it maybe started at 4 am!;)
But the celebration put on by the Spanish Club tonight got a big turn out --- a lot bigger than was planned.
We had the Banda/Ranchera music going as well as some riquisima food options... como
sopes, gorditas, flautas, pozole, agua de orchata (which was a big hit!)
Then Juve told the history of the Virgin of Guadalupe in spanish while I interpreted... so I am thinking we will do this every year!:) Each year it will be better and more planning will go into it... Sera muy bien.
So UN MONTON DE GRACIAS a... Carrie Carroll ( and all of the people from Admissions*) and Emiliano (inc. Hispanic/Latino Services)
Thank you so much.
So happy day of the Virgin of Guadalupe!!! She is extremely celebrated in Mexico, and notably, among Hispanic communities here in MN (or anywhere in the US for that matter)
Juve and I went to La Misa (mass) this morning at 5 AM to attend the special mass in honor of the Virgin. A Mariachi band was there; they sang beautifully and just set the mood. I've got to smile because Juve and I actually got there quite earlier than we needed to be... But oh well! Valio la pena.
At least I didn't listen to my dear friend when he told me he thought it maybe started at 4 am!;)
But the celebration put on by the Spanish Club tonight got a big turn out --- a lot bigger than was planned.
We had the Banda/Ranchera music going as well as some riquisima food options... como
sopes, gorditas, flautas, pozole, agua de orchata (which was a big hit!)
Then Juve told the history of the Virgin of Guadalupe in spanish while I interpreted... so I am thinking we will do this every year!:) Each year it will be better and more planning will go into it... Sera muy bien.
So UN MONTON DE GRACIAS a... Carrie Carroll ( and all of the people from Admissions*) and Emiliano (inc. Hispanic/Latino Services)
Thank you so much.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Saturday Night Vignette
It was a hit!!
After seeing all the improvements the honors groups had made since the start of working on the vignettes, it was great to sit back and watch/laugh at ourselves act tonight...:)
We got to do this in celebration of our first semester together (w/ Erica Huls). I would say it went by a lot faster than I had planned.
Definitely the Russian accents used by sam, paul, and colin in their "parade" were my favorite. Babuschka!
People got some good laughs out of seeing Schneipkowitz dance to an angry spanish song
... i got some laughs out of it, too... especially when he did the tango w/ becky
So tonight we went out with a bang by eating some good Pizza Luce (preferrably the pineapple) and greased cheese (which I hoped no one touched)
~And God said it was good.
After seeing all the improvements the honors groups had made since the start of working on the vignettes, it was great to sit back and watch/laugh at ourselves act tonight...:)
We got to do this in celebration of our first semester together (w/ Erica Huls). I would say it went by a lot faster than I had planned.
Definitely the Russian accents used by sam, paul, and colin in their "parade" were my favorite. Babuschka!
People got some good laughs out of seeing Schneipkowitz dance to an angry spanish song
... i got some laughs out of it, too... especially when he did the tango w/ becky
So tonight we went out with a bang by eating some good Pizza Luce (preferrably the pineapple) and greased cheese (which I hoped no one touched)
~And God said it was good.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
nearing empty in the MOA
Sunday Sunday~~
This morning started off a little later than expected... which admittedly turned out being very nice:). Erin (roomy) got me up at 9:10 and we began on a morning of "tranquil", easy going, studying...(maybe I should have added quotes around "studying", too). But, sabes que (you know what)? There are no regrets. Sometimes you just feel like you deserve it.
I sent out some emails, finished some odds-and-ends, and couldn't help myself from taking a nap on E's bed. The laptop was propped up on there with me and all. I even had some soothing spanish music going on there, too! Let's just say that Erin has the bottom bed, so that means that I usually like to make myself cozy on it when she's not. It's a good thing she's a share-er!
So this week starts out the final stretch before the actual finals. ...Feelin' pretty good... yeah, good!--Said with a nod of the head. So I am going to move on with this week with that exact mentality!
Alright, well more updates on that note to come~
Tomorrow's talk: Saturday night Vignette
This morning started off a little later than expected... which admittedly turned out being very nice:). Erin (roomy) got me up at 9:10 and we began on a morning of "tranquil", easy going, studying...(maybe I should have added quotes around "studying", too). But, sabes que (you know what)? There are no regrets. Sometimes you just feel like you deserve it.
I sent out some emails, finished some odds-and-ends, and couldn't help myself from taking a nap on E's bed. The laptop was propped up on there with me and all. I even had some soothing spanish music going on there, too! Let's just say that Erin has the bottom bed, so that means that I usually like to make myself cozy on it when she's not. It's a good thing she's a share-er!
So this week starts out the final stretch before the actual finals. ...Feelin' pretty good... yeah, good!--Said with a nod of the head. So I am going to move on with this week with that exact mentality!
Alright, well more updates on that note to come~
Tomorrow's talk: Saturday night Vignette
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Coyle Center
Campus Kitchens is amazing.
This upcoming second semester I have the opportunity to be on the Campus Kitchens Leadership Team -- This will be great because then I, and my friend Kate, will potentially be able to lead the Tuesday shift that goes to the Bryan Coyle Youth Center!!
Basically we load up the infamous green, old Campus Kitchens van (that has a temperamental radio) and head off to St. Martin's Table to drop off food to the volunteers who tutor kids at the church (Trinity). After, we go to the Youth Center - where we get to interact with the kids and staff there... wearing the hair nets and all, we serve them... and persuade the younger ones to eat their vegetables!
This Thursday-- 1st Leadership meeting!
This upcoming second semester I have the opportunity to be on the Campus Kitchens Leadership Team -- This will be great because then I, and my friend Kate, will potentially be able to lead the Tuesday shift that goes to the Bryan Coyle Youth Center!!
Basically we load up the infamous green, old Campus Kitchens van (that has a temperamental radio) and head off to St. Martin's Table to drop off food to the volunteers who tutor kids at the church (Trinity). After, we go to the Youth Center - where we get to interact with the kids and staff there... wearing the hair nets and all, we serve them... and persuade the younger ones to eat their vegetables!
This Thursday-- 1st Leadership meeting!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
It's bragitas time!!
We've got a convocation of women here in room 502 -- If you know spanish, then you will understand the title of this posting:)
The good estrogen is-a-flowing and we are embracing the message of the Dove commercials*
So, the real question is--- What's your pose?!
Let's just say that developing good relationships on your floor, or even in your dorm -- is so fantastic!!! and open-ended to the "themed nights" one can have:))
The good estrogen is-a-flowing and we are embracing the message of the Dove commercials*
So, the real question is--- What's your pose?!
Let's just say that developing good relationships on your floor, or even in your dorm -- is so fantastic!!! and open-ended to the "themed nights" one can have:))
Sunday, December 2, 2007
simply having a wonderful Christmas time
It is not uncommon now to walk into the girls' bathroom on floor five and hear the Christmas music goin'... We are all soaking it up.
The snow was really nice this weekend; you could smell the popcorn being made throughout the halls and also the hot cocoa.
Everyone is just getting ready for the last two weeks of school.
Now I am not a big shopper and am trying to have a more "ecumenical" Christmas... but I may just have to go and check out some of those sales I have been hearing about and see what I can do.
In a couple weeks I will go and see the Christmas parade down on Nicollete! I guess inside Macy's they've got a really neat holiday set up, too (Nutcracker maybe??)
But this upcoming weekend-- Vignette time-- come and see your fellow actors!!(or at least we're trying to be:)
The snow was really nice this weekend; you could smell the popcorn being made throughout the halls and also the hot cocoa.
Everyone is just getting ready for the last two weeks of school.
Now I am not a big shopper and am trying to have a more "ecumenical" Christmas... but I may just have to go and check out some of those sales I have been hearing about and see what I can do.
In a couple weeks I will go and see the Christmas parade down on Nicollete! I guess inside Macy's they've got a really neat holiday set up, too (Nutcracker maybe??)
But this upcoming weekend-- Vignette time-- come and see your fellow actors!!(or at least we're trying to be:)
Saturday, December 1, 2007
movie watchin
so tonight is a "snowed in" night and becks, the boyfriend of becki (who will remain nameless), e, and i are figuring out which movie to cuddle up to..!
becki and andrew stayed over last night also... we watched "The Family Stone" - it was a good-feelin movie at the time... tonight-- "Big Fish"??
I think we're wanting another one like last night's... it must be the snow ambience*
becki and andrew stayed over last night also... we watched "The Family Stone" - it was a good-feelin movie at the time... tonight-- "Big Fish"??
I think we're wanting another one like last night's... it must be the snow ambience*
Monday, November 26, 2007
test over... this week is lookin good
I am happy to acknowledge that this week seems pretty relaxed -- cool!
I've got to smile when I say this because I'm not used to feeling so "laid back" with my plans.
I've got a few things to look forward to: a flamenco show Thursday night, "Critical Mass" on Friday (whip out the scarf and pump some more air into those bike tires!), and then on Sunday there's a race (running/walking) and the St. Thomas Christmas Choir Concert. Oh yes, I have to advertise for Augsburg Advent Vespers, too - Jessie's in it! So I may possibly be working that, also.
Well, tonight I will go to bed at peace with all of this.
It's time to get out of the library.
I've got to smile when I say this because I'm not used to feeling so "laid back" with my plans.
I've got a few things to look forward to: a flamenco show Thursday night, "Critical Mass" on Friday (whip out the scarf and pump some more air into those bike tires!), and then on Sunday there's a race (running/walking) and the St. Thomas Christmas Choir Concert. Oh yes, I have to advertise for Augsburg Advent Vespers, too - Jessie's in it! So I may possibly be working that, also.
Well, tonight I will go to bed at peace with all of this.
It's time to get out of the library.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
hmm pavo.
Thanksgiving break is coming to an end as I write this... my friends are minutes away from picking me up. I have to say, I am sad leaving my parents, my dog, and my house in general... I'd really just like to stay here, sit on the leather couch and read with my parents until I fall asleep.
But it is o.k. because soon I will be back into the crazy, yet happy school life that never quits bringing surprises. Tomorrow is my Scholar Citizen Theater Lab class and I will already start our two week countdown until performance time. Man, I've gotta practice my lines tonight.
Tomorrow will hit me with a religion test, which I am feeling pretty good about. I am thinking tonight there will be some quality locked-in-room time with the "mood lamps" (set officially for studying) on... sounds peaceful to me; we'll see!
Well, let's get a move on... they're here!
But it is o.k. because soon I will be back into the crazy, yet happy school life that never quits bringing surprises. Tomorrow is my Scholar Citizen Theater Lab class and I will already start our two week countdown until performance time. Man, I've gotta practice my lines tonight.
Tomorrow will hit me with a religion test, which I am feeling pretty good about. I am thinking tonight there will be some quality locked-in-room time with the "mood lamps" (set officially for studying) on... sounds peaceful to me; we'll see!
Well, let's get a move on... they're here!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Scholar Citizen
The Scholar Citizen class, taught by Professor Crockett, is a great one I must say!
I just finished reading this morning some articles that seem to relate to Buddhism. We just handed in our 1st-to-last paper (last Friday), which was very relieving! That one was on Einstein, and I was really forced to make my paper as "argumentative" as possible -- the drafts were numerous. I'm trying to get into the whole "loving when you're writing" mood... which doesn't come as easily as one might assume! But it's all a process I suppose... Now, to finish off the semester, we'll be reading more and more philosophical articles from the internet... and in the end, we'll relate them all to the philosopher Rorty.
Favorite quote of yesterday, said by Don Gustafson (my HIS103 teacher):
"If you love Disney World, let me say that you would probably be a supporter of fascism."
I just finished reading this morning some articles that seem to relate to Buddhism. We just handed in our 1st-to-last paper (last Friday), which was very relieving! That one was on Einstein, and I was really forced to make my paper as "argumentative" as possible -- the drafts were numerous. I'm trying to get into the whole "loving when you're writing" mood... which doesn't come as easily as one might assume! But it's all a process I suppose... Now, to finish off the semester, we'll be reading more and more philosophical articles from the internet... and in the end, we'll relate them all to the philosopher Rorty.
Favorite quote of yesterday, said by Don Gustafson (my HIS103 teacher):
"If you love Disney World, let me say that you would probably be a supporter of fascism."
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Yearning for Some Turkey
The countdown for heading home is now set for two days. Thinking of this makes me so happy, just to know that I'll then be with my parents. Even more, the day after I get back will be Thanksgiving! How great is this!! I guess there'll be 21 people packed into my house and the good food aroma will be wafting through the air, hopefully laughter, and some good family conversations too.
I have realized that this will be the longest time I have been home since school has started. A good four days are set for this long weekend; so I'm trying to get as much homework done as possible. The only things I want to be bringing home are laundry and a couple of checks to deposit!
PS - the "Thanksgiving" lunch last week was a plus-- it helped instill some "holiday spirit". Maybe I'll even recommend cranberry sauce to the cooks at my house this year!
Night and Happy early Thanksgiving,
I have realized that this will be the longest time I have been home since school has started. A good four days are set for this long weekend; so I'm trying to get as much homework done as possible. The only things I want to be bringing home are laundry and a couple of checks to deposit!
PS - the "Thanksgiving" lunch last week was a plus-- it helped instill some "holiday spirit". Maybe I'll even recommend cranberry sauce to the cooks at my house this year!
Night and Happy early Thanksgiving,
Saturday, November 17, 2007
staples, MN will rock your socks off
we are here, mi ladies from augsburg, Becki, Erin, and I
tonight we are going to the high school play Pink Panther
and who said you couldn't have fun in a small town
the love is here and her parents made the good breakfast this morning
tonight we've also got plans of board games and a movie (a deep one, that is!)
yayyy for woman time!!****
we are here, mi ladies from augsburg, Becki, Erin, and I
tonight we are going to the high school play Pink Panther
and who said you couldn't have fun in a small town
the love is here and her parents made the good breakfast this morning
tonight we've also got plans of board games and a movie (a deep one, that is!)
yayyy for woman time!!****
Thursday, November 15, 2007
cultural dinner night at Bryan Coyle Center**
Good food day~~~goood food**
There are two huge things I love in life--- family,... and ethnic food.
So today I got a nice mix of them by exchanging emails with my parents and eating dinner at the Bryan Coyle Youth Center (it's near Mixed Blood Theater)-- simply great:)
Campus Kitchens (an Augsburg program that delivers and serves its left-over food to different organizations-- well they headed the event that had somalian food, mexican food, ethiopian food, and more-- I would say the spicy, curried chicken was my favorite-- I'm such a sucker for spicy food
and then this bread was also delicious... very mild tasting but very thick - which made it enjoyable!
If you volunteer for Campus Kitchens, all days are great-- but Tuesday is the day to volunteer! Then you get to go with my RA, Mama Nats, and I. We go to the Bryan Coyle Center and it is so neat to interact with the kids/teenagers and get them to eat their veggies, etc
then, a good additive of the day was also the "Thanksgiving" meal for lunch:)
You've gotta love the cranberry topping.
I also am getting ready for the snow--- Midwest Mountaineering has a sale going on through sunday-- get your boots!
i'll be back again~
There are two huge things I love in life--- family,... and ethnic food.
So today I got a nice mix of them by exchanging emails with my parents and eating dinner at the Bryan Coyle Youth Center (it's near Mixed Blood Theater)-- simply great:)
Campus Kitchens (an Augsburg program that delivers and serves its left-over food to different organizations-- well they headed the event that had somalian food, mexican food, ethiopian food, and more-- I would say the spicy, curried chicken was my favorite-- I'm such a sucker for spicy food
and then this bread was also delicious... very mild tasting but very thick - which made it enjoyable!
If you volunteer for Campus Kitchens, all days are great-- but Tuesday is the day to volunteer! Then you get to go with my RA, Mama Nats, and I. We go to the Bryan Coyle Center and it is so neat to interact with the kids/teenagers and get them to eat their veggies, etc
then, a good additive of the day was also the "Thanksgiving" meal for lunch:)
You've gotta love the cranberry topping.
I also am getting ready for the snow--- Midwest Mountaineering has a sale going on through sunday-- get your boots!
i'll be back again~
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
jane fonda.
So everyone knows that the verse from the song "Baby's Got Back" --that says: "playin work out tapes by Fonda..." --is referring to the one and only Buns of Steel, Jane Fonda--right??
:)) Well my buddy, Sam Smith, wanted to find out for sure so he decided to look it up on nothing but the internet-- and yes; the answer of Jane Fonda remained the truth
So Ms. Fonda graced the Augsburg community with her presence today at convocation in the gym-- The responses were mixed-- some said her speech was all right.. others said they liked it a lot
I personally went in there expecting to hear more about activism and issues of feminism; but she mainly spoke of her "Three Acts" in life --referring to every 30 years of age she builds up to
My response was one of the "ok" ones
I was just bummed about a couple of her answers that were just "I don't know"
So, as Jane Fonda left it, as will I... I just "don't know" anymore...
:)) Well my buddy, Sam Smith, wanted to find out for sure so he decided to look it up on nothing but the internet-- and yes; the answer of Jane Fonda remained the truth
So Ms. Fonda graced the Augsburg community with her presence today at convocation in the gym-- The responses were mixed-- some said her speech was all right.. others said they liked it a lot
I personally went in there expecting to hear more about activism and issues of feminism; but she mainly spoke of her "Three Acts" in life --referring to every 30 years of age she builds up to
My response was one of the "ok" ones
I was just bummed about a couple of her answers that were just "I don't know"
So, as Jane Fonda left it, as will I... I just "don't know" anymore...
Monday, November 12, 2007
Minnesota Thunder
Yesterday - 6 pm - MN Thunder V LA Galaxy. ...And yes, David Beckham was playing... and did take his shirt off at the end.. which I scoffed at (sorry!)
I'm not gonna push my personal opinion, but I just feel like he is becoming too much of a sex-symbol... sooo anyway!---This was my first pro/semi-pro soccer game; therefore I was pumped since last week! We got our tickets free from Res Life, and with that, awesome seats, too -- they were really close to the field and almost right behind the goal posts
MN Thunder ended up losing by one (the game ended off with penalty kicks)... but we still clapped the players on at the end. I think my favorites just may be #s 10 and 14.
Before the game, I made a run to Cub Foods, filled up Kate's car (that I borrow a couple times a week), and got my room stocked with yogurts! yes! Because of my roommate, I have found a new love for the Yoplait "Thick and Creamy" yogurt... good; very good.
Now I am sitting around w/ some friends for class (we've got theater lab).. after that, I'll be contemplating and arguing for Einstein - for his innovations that were made to the 20th century...
I'm not gonna push my personal opinion, but I just feel like he is becoming too much of a sex-symbol... sooo anyway!---This was my first pro/semi-pro soccer game; therefore I was pumped since last week! We got our tickets free from Res Life, and with that, awesome seats, too -- they were really close to the field and almost right behind the goal posts
MN Thunder ended up losing by one (the game ended off with penalty kicks)... but we still clapped the players on at the end. I think my favorites just may be #s 10 and 14.
Before the game, I made a run to Cub Foods, filled up Kate's car (that I borrow a couple times a week), and got my room stocked with yogurts! yes! Because of my roommate, I have found a new love for the Yoplait "Thick and Creamy" yogurt... good; very good.
Now I am sitting around w/ some friends for class (we've got theater lab).. after that, I'll be contemplating and arguing for Einstein - for his innovations that were made to the 20th century...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Polish-Polka Night was a Bust
Saturday night- get ready to head off to "the best polka/polish restaurant in MN" and eat some hardy authentic Polish food!
...Well, that was the initial plan... then, after spending over a half-hour on the bus; all ten of us knew something had to be wrong. The bus driver lady was cranky, our groups were split-up (I, and three others, was in the back), and all except for two us us was feeling vomit-ish --and bad
We've gotta laugh about it now,...and, some of us were then
But the night ended up being great anyway...ending off at Applebee's where we got all the "half-off appetizers after 9" that we could handle... and trust me please, by this time the majority had been ready to eat since 5---and it was 9:30
So on the bus we made friends with some vibrant, one could say, interesting people in the back... one guy kept smirking and smelling his bag of "quarters", Renee's boyfriend got hit-on, and mine, Aaron, was dishing out high-fives like none other
ooh yes.. the "Date Night" gone crazy..and nauseous...:) But it was totally worth it after the laughs started up at dinner.. and went on until after the light rail ride home
~ It's always good to have some variety in your life, and, to use a cliche---"roll with the punches"...
So when the adversity is-a-comin... take it with a smile and excitement for something new
...Well, that was the initial plan... then, after spending over a half-hour on the bus; all ten of us knew something had to be wrong. The bus driver lady was cranky, our groups were split-up (I, and three others, was in the back), and all except for two us us was feeling vomit-ish --and bad
We've gotta laugh about it now,...and, some of us were then
But the night ended up being great anyway...ending off at Applebee's where we got all the "half-off appetizers after 9" that we could handle... and trust me please, by this time the majority had been ready to eat since 5---and it was 9:30
So on the bus we made friends with some vibrant, one could say, interesting people in the back... one guy kept smirking and smelling his bag of "quarters", Renee's boyfriend got hit-on, and mine, Aaron, was dishing out high-fives like none other
ooh yes.. the "Date Night" gone crazy..and nauseous...:) But it was totally worth it after the laughs started up at dinner.. and went on until after the light rail ride home
~ It's always good to have some variety in your life, and, to use a cliche---"roll with the punches"...
So when the adversity is-a-comin... take it with a smile and excitement for something new
Friday, November 9, 2007
Peetz. (thank you, Sammers(/z) ~here we go...
Hi to my beautiful friend, Peter!
So, the theme of the night is "funny tray combinations"... which then in turn make the stomach a little woozy.. :)
and peter, the infamous full-meal-then-large bowls of cereal - boy... definitely knows how this goes
... or doesn't.. since he does this habitually every day.. for every meal
this brings up the point that saturday brunch is a little overrated -- I always end up having a waffle with pb and applesauce.. then, since it's mid-day, a salad stacked w/ tons of veggies.. and more canned fruit on the side.. and sometimes oatmeal..with brown sugar,.. too
..dont forget the balsamic vinegar and olive oil on top of the salad..
mmmm... the weird feelings usually wear off by about late-dinner time..
So, the theme of the night is "funny tray combinations"... which then in turn make the stomach a little woozy.. :)
and peter, the infamous full-meal-then-large bowls of cereal - boy... definitely knows how this goes
... or doesn't.. since he does this habitually every day.. for every meal
this brings up the point that saturday brunch is a little overrated -- I always end up having a waffle with pb and applesauce.. then, since it's mid-day, a salad stacked w/ tons of veggies.. and more canned fruit on the side.. and sometimes oatmeal..with brown sugar,.. too
..dont forget the balsamic vinegar and olive oil on top of the salad..
mmmm... the weird feelings usually wear off by about late-dinner time..
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
different scenes
I've been thinking lately that it would be nice to get off campus a little.. sometimes your perspective can be refreshed by getting into a different environment for a bit!
I love Augsburg's ambience, but.. maybe today I deserve a little blueberry tea at Mapp's Coffee...hmmm. That is now my new favorite beverage.
Mapp's is a few blocks away so a walk will be nice.. it has felt like winter so much this week and I am now looking forward to some snow, actually! The other day I saw some very, very some flurries... but those went away with the wind soon after appearing. Now the dome's up over the soccer/football field.
Speaking of soccer, I am SO looking forward to the tickets that my friends and I got from Res Life-- free tickets to the LA Galaxy v MN Thunder soccer game this sunday!!! It'll be my first pro game!yesss can't wait!
more to come...
I love Augsburg's ambience, but.. maybe today I deserve a little blueberry tea at Mapp's Coffee...hmmm. That is now my new favorite beverage.
Mapp's is a few blocks away so a walk will be nice.. it has felt like winter so much this week and I am now looking forward to some snow, actually! The other day I saw some very, very some flurries... but those went away with the wind soon after appearing. Now the dome's up over the soccer/football field.
Speaking of soccer, I am SO looking forward to the tickets that my friends and I got from Res Life-- free tickets to the LA Galaxy v MN Thunder soccer game this sunday!!! It'll be my first pro game!yesss can't wait!
more to come...
Monday, November 5, 2007
estudiando w/ Juve :)
I've realized that I, more and more, am preferring to study not in the library--- or at least places that are extremely quiet..
So the place tonight, after theater lab, has been the coffee shop area (near the fish bowl) -- this is the place where a lot of the club meetings go on... for example, Outdoors Club (which I'm in!)
Tomorrow night for Outdoors Club we are going to Vertical Endeavors to go rock climbing-- sweet!
I have only done that once in my 18 years so it should be a very good time--- and Vertical Endeavors is quite reputable sooo..!
This week is a busy one, but I am not letting that get to me! I am getting better at that, actually.
History ("The Modern World") test Thursday, Spanish presentation Wednesday, set-up for Teatro del Pueblo (a CSA-Student Activism group- event tomorrow), meetings, flamenco class, .......
but wait! Friday night Juve and I are going salsa dancing with his friends and maybe I'll get my "Rooms" (erin, my rommate;) to go!!
yesss for the many things to experience!
So the place tonight, after theater lab, has been the coffee shop area (near the fish bowl) -- this is the place where a lot of the club meetings go on... for example, Outdoors Club (which I'm in!)
Tomorrow night for Outdoors Club we are going to Vertical Endeavors to go rock climbing-- sweet!
I have only done that once in my 18 years so it should be a very good time--- and Vertical Endeavors is quite reputable sooo..!
This week is a busy one, but I am not letting that get to me! I am getting better at that, actually.
History ("The Modern World") test Thursday, Spanish presentation Wednesday, set-up for Teatro del Pueblo (a CSA-Student Activism group- event tomorrow), meetings, flamenco class, .......
but wait! Friday night Juve and I are going salsa dancing with his friends and maybe I'll get my "Rooms" (erin, my rommate;) to go!!
yesss for the many things to experience!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
American Gangster Movie Review
Just for common knowledge: If you want nice, reclining, good-cup-holder stadium seating (and cheaper- by $1 ticket prices), then head to "Block E" to see movies... although, you can use your student ID to receive $1 off for ticket prices.. But I would say Block E is your best bet for movies because it's a shorter light rail trip (much shorter) and better ambiance--- Even on Halloween some friends and I got let in for free! Sweet!
So I came to all these conclusions by going to a movie at the Mall of America last night-- we saw "American Gangster"
This was a good movie, very well made.
Denzel Washington- love him. Russel Crow- never stops doing great.
If you want a short movie, though, then save this one for later. It started at 7:40 and ended at 10:30. In my opinion, American Gangster had a lot of substance and kept you entertained.
From a new movie critic,
--Today is "paper" day!! Religion- paper on something in the New Testament-- my choice: Judas Iscariot.
So I came to all these conclusions by going to a movie at the Mall of America last night-- we saw "American Gangster"
This was a good movie, very well made.
Denzel Washington- love him. Russel Crow- never stops doing great.
If you want a short movie, though, then save this one for later. It started at 7:40 and ended at 10:30. In my opinion, American Gangster had a lot of substance and kept you entertained.
From a new movie critic,
--Today is "paper" day!! Religion- paper on something in the New Testament-- my choice: Judas Iscariot.
Friday, November 2, 2007
the weekend is here
happy friday to all!
last night i had an interesting driving excursion that led me to realize... "hey, if you get lost, just take the next exit off... it's all a learning experience.."
so it actually turned out to be a pretty good time... I was by myself and listening (/singing) to Dave Matthews Band in my friend Kate's old white car
--which, by the way, i adore!
Thank you, kate!
So tonight is the premier of Ausburg's play--- oohh so much fun to accomplish!
The friends and I will go to that...
then, for saturday night--- to La Que Buena-- the awesome Mexican restaurant that's near E Lake Street!
I recommend it greatly-- open til 2 am on the WEEKNIGHTS! --probably even later on weekends.. :) and they've got spanish karoke so get ready!
gotta go to relig!
last night i had an interesting driving excursion that led me to realize... "hey, if you get lost, just take the next exit off... it's all a learning experience.."
so it actually turned out to be a pretty good time... I was by myself and listening (/singing) to Dave Matthews Band in my friend Kate's old white car
--which, by the way, i adore!
Thank you, kate!
So tonight is the premier of Ausburg's play--- oohh so much fun to accomplish!
The friends and I will go to that...
then, for saturday night--- to La Que Buena-- the awesome Mexican restaurant that's near E Lake Street!
I recommend it greatly-- open til 2 am on the WEEKNIGHTS! --probably even later on weekends.. :) and they've got spanish karoke so get ready!
gotta go to relig!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Einstein and papers and such ~
While home on this past "Fall Break", I found myself talking about the novels I had been assigned to read for some of my classes... For example, how Einstein went against the status quo and truly learned by visualizing and using his imagination. Einstein "looked the part" by the way he wore his zany hair and "scruffy" suits... Then I also got into talking about a book for my religion class called "No god But God". It's about Islam and I'm finding that so quickly I'm understanding and disproving many of the misconceptions I once had about (about Islam and the people, places, etc involved)...
So I guess this just goes to show that sometimes you surprise yourself by the amount of knowledge you've retained from all the reading that seems to pile up so much occasionally... maybe it's not as bad as it seems...
So I guess this just goes to show that sometimes you surprise yourself by the amount of knowledge you've retained from all the reading that seems to pile up so much occasionally... maybe it's not as bad as it seems...
Saturday, October 27, 2007
fall break!
heey so I am finally home on a long-awaited Fall Break (that may only have been one day off of school, but I am still very fine with that!)... yes, my time spent at home has gone by quite rapidly,.. and the thought of leaving tomorrow while waking up early to scurry and finish/start my homework-- that is all a bit of a downer--- but it's ok because being with the fam has been worth it
my hometown is around 2 hrs from Minneapolis so the drive isn't bad and a good sleep can always be had in the car... life is good here with the dog laying at my side and a nice room to sleep in (thanks mom).. a room that i have already, after just being here for a day, messed up with clothes on the floor, etc
i know the friends that stayed in the cities are probably out at Danceteria (First Ave) right now.. jammin out with the tecno-ish music.. and yes, it'll be wonderful to be with them again tomorrow:) ... but until then, i will savor mi casa, feel the good love from the fam, and get some good food in me;)!
my hometown is around 2 hrs from Minneapolis so the drive isn't bad and a good sleep can always be had in the car... life is good here with the dog laying at my side and a nice room to sleep in (thanks mom).. a room that i have already, after just being here for a day, messed up with clothes on the floor, etc
i know the friends that stayed in the cities are probably out at Danceteria (First Ave) right now.. jammin out with the tecno-ish music.. and yes, it'll be wonderful to be with them again tomorrow:) ... but until then, i will savor mi casa, feel the good love from the fam, and get some good food in me;)!
Monday, October 22, 2007
starting off a good monday...
this past weekend was a good one... saturday night was actually my "catch-up-on-sleep-night".. and the majority of the weekend consisted of studying.. but i was fine with it.. sometimes ya just know what you need to do.. and that is alright. but this upcoming weekend i will be going home for our first "vacation"!!! Alright, so it's only 3 days.. but it still counts! I am looking forward to relaxing with the fam.. and it'll be nice to get this mid-term exam done with today (which will begin in 10 minutes!) --it's in religion and we actually get to use one side of a sheet during the test... so last night i spent waaayy too much time writing extremely small--trying to get all this info on it..! Ooh well.. it's very likely I won't use it as much as thought.. but that's ok! good review.. right?
Well it is absolutely gorgeous out and i am so happy the sun started showing itself more this past weekend.. maybe it'll stay that way at least for this week!
Well it is absolutely gorgeous out and i am so happy the sun started showing itself more this past weekend.. maybe it'll stay that way at least for this week!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The Shabbat
Me vuelvo loca con Peter Hall... I will just say that tomorrow-Friday night- will be unique and vibrant as ever--- in great appreciation and carino(add tilde) to our great friend... PETERRRRR!!! So the reason for having Shabbat as the subject of this post is because tomorrow night Peter* signed us up for a Jewish meal that will be on Augsburg's campus
So this is the magnificent thing about college--- there are vast things to do-FREE things, mind you-- and they go on all the time
so thank you, Peter, for looking on A-Mail and seeing these sweet events... that are even better in the company of friends!
so lets go tomorrow night everyone!
...another out-of-nowhere post... from annika
So this is the magnificent thing about college--- there are vast things to do-FREE things, mind you-- and they go on all the time
so thank you, Peter, for looking on A-Mail and seeing these sweet events... that are even better in the company of friends!
so lets go tomorrow night everyone!
...another out-of-nowhere post... from annika
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
goin to bed late..gettin up early !
so after having minimal sleep today, i am feelin good!
man, i hope it won't take long for me to fall asleep tonight (..or, should i say "this morning")
but you know what, maybe a nap would be fitting tomorrow!
It's been rainy lately and yes, it can get dreary.. but in times such as these, one must bring the cold green tea (w/ jasmine) to class in order to avoid falling asleep! haha well, that at least helps me with history
i absolutely love the class; but the problem is that i always just feel so incredibly tired during it... EXCEPT for the last two times that i've drank my green tea! so we're stickin with that
well, the honors sweet is calling my name for 6:15 am-- i've got a date with my Einstein book and its buddy- the question sheet
man, i hope it won't take long for me to fall asleep tonight (..or, should i say "this morning")
but you know what, maybe a nap would be fitting tomorrow!
It's been rainy lately and yes, it can get dreary.. but in times such as these, one must bring the cold green tea (w/ jasmine) to class in order to avoid falling asleep! haha well, that at least helps me with history
i absolutely love the class; but the problem is that i always just feel so incredibly tired during it... EXCEPT for the last two times that i've drank my green tea! so we're stickin with that
well, the honors sweet is calling my name for 6:15 am-- i've got a date with my Einstein book and its buddy- the question sheet
Monday, October 15, 2007
today we'll aim for organization
so the days are great here. really great-- with all the events offered (esp. FREE events;) ), good friends, matter what it is, there never seems to be a dull moment when i am sitting around wondering what I should do..
Of course nothing is perfect at all, and homework does/can occupy much of that time (depending how much of it you choose to do), ..lately I just feel like I need to get my things more in order...
you know, it's just a bit flustering when i have papers all over my desk, or shoved into a drawer, etc... so the goal for this afternoon is to arrange those into some good binders and folders - yes. then i think i will be on my next step to a greater peace of mind..
right now, before my religion class, i will try to catch up on emails
...yes; there are always things to do to keep busy, but it's just not worth it to get all worked up about those things... why not just enjoy the process and laugh at the sporatic-ness of life? !!
and on that note, head to the blood drive this thurs. and give some life!
vamos a ver, vamos a ver~~
Of course nothing is perfect at all, and homework does/can occupy much of that time (depending how much of it you choose to do), ..lately I just feel like I need to get my things more in order...
you know, it's just a bit flustering when i have papers all over my desk, or shoved into a drawer, etc... so the goal for this afternoon is to arrange those into some good binders and folders - yes. then i think i will be on my next step to a greater peace of mind..
right now, before my religion class, i will try to catch up on emails
...yes; there are always things to do to keep busy, but it's just not worth it to get all worked up about those things... why not just enjoy the process and laugh at the sporatic-ness of life? !!
and on that note, head to the blood drive this thurs. and give some life!
vamos a ver, vamos a ver~~
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Tomorrow is Pay Day ! Yeah!!
So as I would soon be departing from my dad after spending the weekend with my parents (first time going home since I've got here), my dad gets the $20 bill out of his pocket. We're walking into Target for a bathroom stop and a quick latte from Starbucks... he says: "Well, I was gonna give you this anyway so here you go, you can use it for Starbucks"...
I quickly start to re-evaluate if I really need/want this latte anymore...
yeaahhhh... it's aaall different when you have to pay with the little money that is yours (or, in this case, occasionally given to you).. my trips to the coffeeshops have dropped to an all-time low... i now mooch coffee off of the lunch room after breakfast (to-go thermal mugs are always a plus to have with you).. I have that cheap "latte mix" that comes in little packets--which, by the way, i usually end up using with water rather than milk because milk costs money...
I now take fruit from the lunch room back to the dorm room rather than buying it at the grocery store.. and we know i love my fresh organic fruit... these are just two examples to give you an idea.. but you all get what i am saying.. the money just runs out here - and FAST
so at least the roomy and i have started a change jar...
but on that things passage of getting filled up, we are staying positive!
I quickly start to re-evaluate if I really need/want this latte anymore...
yeaahhhh... it's aaall different when you have to pay with the little money that is yours (or, in this case, occasionally given to you).. my trips to the coffeeshops have dropped to an all-time low... i now mooch coffee off of the lunch room after breakfast (to-go thermal mugs are always a plus to have with you).. I have that cheap "latte mix" that comes in little packets--which, by the way, i usually end up using with water rather than milk because milk costs money...
I now take fruit from the lunch room back to the dorm room rather than buying it at the grocery store.. and we know i love my fresh organic fruit... these are just two examples to give you an idea.. but you all get what i am saying.. the money just runs out here - and FAST
so at least the roomy and i have started a change jar...
but on that things passage of getting filled up, we are staying positive!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The Cabooze
God Johnson-- at The Cabooze-- every Wednesday night** Woogie Foot was just there last Saturday-- and, as my friend Kate says it, "They're a pretty big deal; so they don't come that often"
Well I'll catch 'em next time, then! But it's gotta be said that last night was a good time jammin out to God Johnson at The Cabooze
They are just famous there.. everyone was dancing around.. not caring about what anyone else thinks .. it was great and really nice to get out and do something different! Jason was my favorite singer with his "crazy legs" that he could swivel like none other;0)
So I'll be headin to the room soon to meet up w/ Amy and the other girls to go ice skating (which I haven't done for such a long time! ahhh)-- but I am excited bc it will be refreshing before History class-- and I need refreshing today--- because as I was doing some reading for a class.. I was constantly on the edge of falling asleep-- and I love the topic I was reading too.. it was just one of those times...
But I would determine that (falling asleep while reading)-- one of my greatest feats to overcome here)
Que tengais muuy buen dia~
Well I'll catch 'em next time, then! But it's gotta be said that last night was a good time jammin out to God Johnson at The Cabooze
They are just famous there.. everyone was dancing around.. not caring about what anyone else thinks .. it was great and really nice to get out and do something different! Jason was my favorite singer with his "crazy legs" that he could swivel like none other;0)
So I'll be headin to the room soon to meet up w/ Amy and the other girls to go ice skating (which I haven't done for such a long time! ahhh)-- but I am excited bc it will be refreshing before History class-- and I need refreshing today--- because as I was doing some reading for a class.. I was constantly on the edge of falling asleep-- and I love the topic I was reading too.. it was just one of those times...
But I would determine that (falling asleep while reading)-- one of my greatest feats to overcome here)
Que tengais muuy buen dia~
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Good evening! Man, the weather for the past two days finally makes it feel like it's Fall-- I absolutely adore the smell of fallen leaves with a bit of a chill in the air.. That's when I love, even more, being in Minnesota...
Right now I'm listening to the soundtrack from the movie "Once"-- I'd really recommend getting it because the music is very relaxed, yet meaningful... if that's very descriptive--I'm not sure..
Tonight is the Variety Show-- a couple of girls from my floor are doing singing/dancing in it so I've gotta go support them!
Outdoors Club is meeting, also-- we're going rock climbing soon--yes!!
get ready for some camping adventures because they most definitely are soon to come:)
one is an "extreme camping" escapade where we can only bring a certain amount of supplies and food (which is quite limited, I must say)-- but I feel like it will be very good for me and I am excited to get out there on the dirt ground! ha
but hopefully the cold weather wont be lingering around for that weekend...
Right now I'm listening to the soundtrack from the movie "Once"-- I'd really recommend getting it because the music is very relaxed, yet meaningful... if that's very descriptive--I'm not sure..
Tonight is the Variety Show-- a couple of girls from my floor are doing singing/dancing in it so I've gotta go support them!
Outdoors Club is meeting, also-- we're going rock climbing soon--yes!!
get ready for some camping adventures because they most definitely are soon to come:)
one is an "extreme camping" escapade where we can only bring a certain amount of supplies and food (which is quite limited, I must say)-- but I feel like it will be very good for me and I am excited to get out there on the dirt ground! ha
but hopefully the cold weather wont be lingering around for that weekend...
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Thursday night at the Honors Suite
"True Thai" is a truly good restaurant.. My stomach is now feeling ultimately fulfilled by the mock duck, vegetarian spring rolls, and coconut curried crab ...hmmmm que riquiisssimo***
And I've gotta put another plug in saying that they are in the top 100 thai restaurants in the U.S. -- awesome.
So if any of you can get into the Honors Suite-- it has great options for movie watching.. while "studying".. and eating... and sitting on really comfy leather chairs.. yes.good.
We've got a lot of friend love going on in here right now.
Tomorrow is Friday and the night is still calling for me to begin my "Scholar Citizen" paper on C.S. Lewis and Freud--- hmm 4 pages on a stance I must form... this we can do; this we can.
But I've just gotta watch a little bit of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. ..
And I've gotta put another plug in saying that they are in the top 100 thai restaurants in the U.S. -- awesome.
So if any of you can get into the Honors Suite-- it has great options for movie watching.. while "studying".. and eating... and sitting on really comfy leather chairs.. yes.good.
We've got a lot of friend love going on in here right now.
Tomorrow is Friday and the night is still calling for me to begin my "Scholar Citizen" paper on C.S. Lewis and Freud--- hmm 4 pages on a stance I must form... this we can do; this we can.
But I've just gotta watch a little bit of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. ..
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
martin sexton--1st Ave*
Last Friday night ended up turning out to be an acoustic-folk-up-beat-and passionate---kickin good time!!! yeah!
Martin Sexton's cd's need to be bought if you have not experienced them-- his opening band was superb** (although i cannot remember their names) and people were dancin around.. singing along...
Even after the show ended (and this is what I now love about 1st ave)-- we went to go by where they were selling cd's and tshirts and whatnot.. and there was the opening band
So we ended up talking with them for about 30 min-- got to know their names, they got to know ours... and we just stood there "picking their brains" about music, life, etc
anyways, they are coming back to 1st Ave-- so more good times are to come...
off to studying for The Modern World..........
Martin Sexton's cd's need to be bought if you have not experienced them-- his opening band was superb** (although i cannot remember their names) and people were dancin around.. singing along...
Even after the show ended (and this is what I now love about 1st ave)-- we went to go by where they were selling cd's and tshirts and whatnot.. and there was the opening band
So we ended up talking with them for about 30 min-- got to know their names, they got to know ours... and we just stood there "picking their brains" about music, life, etc
anyways, they are coming back to 1st Ave-- so more good times are to come...
off to studying for The Modern World..........
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Happy Birthday Renee!!!
It is a lovely Saturday because it is the birthday of my "neighbor" and friend Renee--:) She lives in the dorm room diagonal from mine... So what does this mean?? Tonight we will go to a reputable Sea Food restaurant and then off to Dance-a-Teria... I don't know about the dance place.. but Sam's been practicin his "six-step" for it.. ! So the hope is that Renee will have a memorable 18th bday-- we've gotta savor these times, right?! I mean, I will admit, this afternoon I have been quite caught up in the school work.. but sometimes ya just have gotta get out there and do somethin different!
Soon to come: details of last nights "First Avenue" experience
---Fabulous; absolutely fabulous.
With love to Martin Sexton and his music,
Soon to come: details of last nights "First Avenue" experience
---Fabulous; absolutely fabulous.
With love to Martin Sexton and his music,
Monday, September 24, 2007
go get your shorts, nate-- it's time to work out
the challenge ive been finding myself encountering a lot lately is having heavy eyes in class.. i truly feel so bad, because it's just one of those things where you know the teacher can see you.. and they probably are thinking that you are very bored and not paying attention at all.. when really, you are trying extremely hard and thinking about how long 25 minutes seems, how maybe if you woulda brought a latte to class you wouldn't be doing this right now, how your writing drifted off into scribbles once your eyes and cognate skills started slipping, and how the heck are you gonna remember what the teacher is saying if your head keeps following the downward motion of your eyelids!! aahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
please dont let this make you think that i do not try hard-- i mean, jeez, i am trying to get ample sleep and the thing that really keeps me up the most is doing my homework (even though i do it during the day and especially in between classes, also)-- but the days just go by even faster here!
so i was just wondering if anyone else can relate to this trying feeling of being a victim to "rebellious eyelids"-- while at the same time being a good student!
side note: when feeling tired before/during studying-- take a quite work out break! that will be the necessary replenishing factor in a lot of cases
if you need a buddy to do that with-- nate is fun!!
please dont let this make you think that i do not try hard-- i mean, jeez, i am trying to get ample sleep and the thing that really keeps me up the most is doing my homework (even though i do it during the day and especially in between classes, also)-- but the days just go by even faster here!
so i was just wondering if anyone else can relate to this trying feeling of being a victim to "rebellious eyelids"-- while at the same time being a good student!
side note: when feeling tired before/during studying-- take a quite work out break! that will be the necessary replenishing factor in a lot of cases
if you need a buddy to do that with-- nate is fun!!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
restless saturday
So have you ever felt like no matter what you do, your energy will not be satisfied and you just can't seem to feel productive enough..???
Well today has most definitely been one of those days!
but it is ok. i am accepting this. we all have to have days like this, right?
it has been a good day being around the people that i am growing to care about a lot-- but- a distracting day, at that! i think soon jessie and i will go for a run.. good.
very good. i can let some of that "dead energy" out of me.
a soccer game is going on outside, some friends are down in Christensen, and we want to pierce Peter's ear, danget!!! ayy the variety of options...
well first the night's "final plans" started out with a movie-- consisting also of good woman chat, kettle corn, and other yummy treats.. now we are thinking Uptown diner eating good breakfast late into the night... hmmm where shall the road take us??
--side note: one of my main highlights of the week was going to my aunt and uncle's house in Blaine-- it was a really good refresher, and, as much as i hate to admit it- i didnt have to do a thing-- !which sounds horrible to say but they wanted to treat me and it was just one of those nights where i just needed it-- so thank you, loving family. i'll bring the dessert next time!!
also-- my parents bought me a "little kid bed guard"-- those things that you stick on the side of your bed if you're on the top bunk (which i am on)-- it's pretty damn adorable.. and just a tid of funny.
love it.
que tengais una noche muy esporadica..!
y ojala miya sera tambien
Well today has most definitely been one of those days!
but it is ok. i am accepting this. we all have to have days like this, right?
it has been a good day being around the people that i am growing to care about a lot-- but- a distracting day, at that! i think soon jessie and i will go for a run.. good.
very good. i can let some of that "dead energy" out of me.
a soccer game is going on outside, some friends are down in Christensen, and we want to pierce Peter's ear, danget!!! ayy the variety of options...
well first the night's "final plans" started out with a movie-- consisting also of good woman chat, kettle corn, and other yummy treats.. now we are thinking Uptown diner eating good breakfast late into the night... hmmm where shall the road take us??
--side note: one of my main highlights of the week was going to my aunt and uncle's house in Blaine-- it was a really good refresher, and, as much as i hate to admit it- i didnt have to do a thing-- !which sounds horrible to say but they wanted to treat me and it was just one of those nights where i just needed it-- so thank you, loving family. i'll bring the dessert next time!!
also-- my parents bought me a "little kid bed guard"-- those things that you stick on the side of your bed if you're on the top bunk (which i am on)-- it's pretty damn adorable.. and just a tid of funny.
love it.
que tengais una noche muy esporadica..!
y ojala miya sera tambien
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
studying in the room just cannot be an option ;)
so i absolutely love socializing in my room. It adds this great vibe and you get to have some "studying laughs" with your friends... Chatting with people that just stop by for a sec lets you take a breather and relax for a bit... but eekk there are many times a problem with that "bit"... usually it turns into longer.. and then before you know it, it's 1:08 am and you are still up writing your blog post!! :0)
but i am not by any means complaining. Im not feeling stressed right now but just a little jumbled... just on the verge of being stressed... but i received a lot of love tonight from the friends so the moral support is always helpful!! and al's mom's cookies are always a delight, too... especially with my chunky pb.. !
I love you guys-- all of you that come into my room and most importantly- that let me come into yours.
the quote of the night, as Mr. Bob Grover said: "Pretty soon you will figure out the things that you have to read that are assigned to you..and the things that you can get away with not reading..." --or something like that, --but coming from the head of the Honors Program- that got me feelin pretty good!
night!(morning, actually.. :)
so i absolutely love socializing in my room. It adds this great vibe and you get to have some "studying laughs" with your friends... Chatting with people that just stop by for a sec lets you take a breather and relax for a bit... but eekk there are many times a problem with that "bit"... usually it turns into longer.. and then before you know it, it's 1:08 am and you are still up writing your blog post!! :0)
but i am not by any means complaining. Im not feeling stressed right now but just a little jumbled... just on the verge of being stressed... but i received a lot of love tonight from the friends so the moral support is always helpful!! and al's mom's cookies are always a delight, too... especially with my chunky pb.. !
I love you guys-- all of you that come into my room and most importantly- that let me come into yours.
the quote of the night, as Mr. Bob Grover said: "Pretty soon you will figure out the things that you have to read that are assigned to you..and the things that you can get away with not reading..." --or something like that, --but coming from the head of the Honors Program- that got me feelin pretty good!
night!(morning, actually.. :)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Let's get it started!
Happy Sunday night, everyone!
:) and that is said with an excitement for a week that I feel will add a lot of positive busy-ness to my lifestyle in these upcoming five days.
Last week we just had the "Activities Fair" and "Poster Sale"... luckily Erin (roomy) convinced me to go down there... so I consequently spent around $20 on three posters- which I would defend buying to this day.! Our room gets Home-y-er by the week!
--But that is beside the point- what I am trying to get at iiis--- there is so much offered for you to do (and buy) wherever you go.. so for me this past week, I signed up for 3-4 different clubs. Yes, I would love to pour my whooole heart into each of them, but I truly know that I will most likely be able to do that with one or two - which is fine. Until then, we will just "test out the waters" and see where I really want to put a lot of my time into. Tuesday has got everything going on-- from Yoga to Tai Chi, Urness Hall Council Mtng to CSA mtng, and Honors Review mtng to an outdoor club meeting, and then I've gotta make sure to get that "centering thy self" time in-- moral: when being pulled in many (hopefully positive) directions, keep in mind your sanity
---i will be sending this message to myself on Tuesday while trying to still establish my grounds in this new, growing in depth life here. :)!
buenas vibraciones...*
:) and that is said with an excitement for a week that I feel will add a lot of positive busy-ness to my lifestyle in these upcoming five days.
Last week we just had the "Activities Fair" and "Poster Sale"... luckily Erin (roomy) convinced me to go down there... so I consequently spent around $20 on three posters- which I would defend buying to this day.! Our room gets Home-y-er by the week!
--But that is beside the point- what I am trying to get at iiis--- there is so much offered for you to do (and buy) wherever you go.. so for me this past week, I signed up for 3-4 different clubs. Yes, I would love to pour my whooole heart into each of them, but I truly know that I will most likely be able to do that with one or two - which is fine. Until then, we will just "test out the waters" and see where I really want to put a lot of my time into. Tuesday has got everything going on-- from Yoga to Tai Chi, Urness Hall Council Mtng to CSA mtng, and Honors Review mtng to an outdoor club meeting, and then I've gotta make sure to get that "centering thy self" time in-- moral: when being pulled in many (hopefully positive) directions, keep in mind your sanity
---i will be sending this message to myself on Tuesday while trying to still establish my grounds in this new, growing in depth life here. :)!
buenas vibraciones...*
Thursday, September 13, 2007

So I have realized just how fast each day is going by... today, after my only class for the day-history, I found myself not being able to use my cognitive skills very well.. it was just one of those "wake up early and try to enjoy the day while getting 'a ton' of stuff done" days...:) well, after seeing that fruit fly hovering over our dirty soup/cereal/fruit/yogurt stained dishes; i decided to stop the history for a bit and basically clean our whoole room... so dishes were done, beds were made, laundry was finnnally folded (after letting it sit in the basket for a week).. febreze was sprayed like nobody's business, and the pungent lysol scent still is wafting in the air.. alright, so erin (the roomy:)) and i are not obnoxiously dirty people-- by any means... it's just that, sometimes other things just deem themselves more important! so, that may seem like i am rationalizing... but maybe i'll give myself a break tonight.. after my history notes/reading
..there goes the bedtime for tonight!
you tell the people that are in our room to leave!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
im letting it go for tonight... sleep is just more important
so tonight was my first night of Flamenco dancing here in "The States" - at Zorongo dance studio. It was truly great-- there was even a guitarist. Anways, the point of me telling you this is to get out the good point of finding something that you're passionate about while in college-- and seeing the beautiful ability it gives you to "get away", let out that side that is sometimes in the shadows of every day college life.. breaaathe a little bit.. :)
Well, the Zorongo studio has the potential to do just that for me!
My roommate and I have a whiteboard on our door-- tonight's writing was: "Studying... see you tomorrow! ...(And that is just a passive way of us saying 'If you knock, we won't be answering') ".
That is just an example of the limits I have learned that need to be set more-- sometimes having your room with a few people in it-while trying to do homework- just doesn't work out the ideal way you would like it to! So I have opted for the library and "the fish bowl" in the Christensen Center-- it gives studying a little variety.. and we all know almost everyone enjoys a little bit of that in life;)
tomorrow my roommate and i will do some more "neighborhood-seeing" when we get up at 6:30 am and go for a walk! yes for early morning wake ups!
also, I would recommend "True Thai" restaurant-- many girls from my floor and I went last night-- the shrimp spring rolls will get your taste buds a-goin... side note: paul at the ice cream place a block away from "True Thai" will give you one of the best baby cones you've had in your life--- tell him Annika sent you.
signing out and having sweet dreams already...
buenas noches.
Well, the Zorongo studio has the potential to do just that for me!
My roommate and I have a whiteboard on our door-- tonight's writing was: "Studying... see you tomorrow! ...(And that is just a passive way of us saying 'If you knock, we won't be answering') ".
That is just an example of the limits I have learned that need to be set more-- sometimes having your room with a few people in it-while trying to do homework- just doesn't work out the ideal way you would like it to! So I have opted for the library and "the fish bowl" in the Christensen Center-- it gives studying a little variety.. and we all know almost everyone enjoys a little bit of that in life;)
tomorrow my roommate and i will do some more "neighborhood-seeing" when we get up at 6:30 am and go for a walk! yes for early morning wake ups!
also, I would recommend "True Thai" restaurant-- many girls from my floor and I went last night-- the shrimp spring rolls will get your taste buds a-goin... side note: paul at the ice cream place a block away from "True Thai" will give you one of the best baby cones you've had in your life--- tell him Annika sent you.
signing out and having sweet dreams already...
buenas noches.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Post- First Week Reflections...
Hello everyone!
So, after last week I can look back and sigh reflectively, with content feelings inside. .. ahh.
After getting here September 1st and having the fun move-in escapades, I feel like I got to know the girls on my floor at an ever-so-fortunate fast rate. Really, I mean I will let you know, that is where my blogger name came from - annika del quinto - literally saying "annika from the 5th". I just felt that I couldn't go without including the pride I already have for my floor. ..:) Also, that title holds even more significance because of the fact that it purveys another love of mine- spanish. To give you a little background info, I have grown up with a cultural love instilled in me (one specific reason being my mom's field of work)... So then when I traveled to live in Mexico last summer with a close friend and her family (who live in Chihuahua, Mexico), my love for the spanish language and cultures burst into a whole new realm... Thus, fast-forward to January 2007--I was finishing off my senior year of high school in Andalucia, Spain.
Ok, so now I'm here - in my second week of college. I'm getting used to.. having the window open 24/7, two fans constantly circulating air throughout my new habitat, sharin' space with "Rooms"(Erin- my lovely, sisterly roommate whom I can be quite goofy with already:)), staying up late and getting up early to (hopefully) trek over to the Kennedy workout center, having Christensen as "the meeting spot" before heading up to meals with friends, doing a lot of good (that's what we've gotta tell the subconscious) reading for class, exploring The Cities on "the basket bike", asking people to tell me their names again, trying to go to eeeverryyy event that Augsburg offers, and having some good laughs and conversations with some people that I'm really excited to develop deeper friendships with-- There is a lot, a lot, more that I am getting used to and just soaking up-- but I will save that for later :)
As of now, about three novels are calling my name for three different classes...
Hopefully I will make my self-initiated bedtime mark of 11pm tonight.. alright, let's make it 11:30 --there's always that steadfast coffee at the caf in the morning that is an option..
Goodnight mom and dad!!
So, after last week I can look back and sigh reflectively, with content feelings inside. .. ahh.
After getting here September 1st and having the fun move-in escapades, I feel like I got to know the girls on my floor at an ever-so-fortunate fast rate. Really, I mean I will let you know, that is where my blogger name came from - annika del quinto - literally saying "annika from the 5th". I just felt that I couldn't go without including the pride I already have for my floor. ..:) Also, that title holds even more significance because of the fact that it purveys another love of mine- spanish. To give you a little background info, I have grown up with a cultural love instilled in me (one specific reason being my mom's field of work)... So then when I traveled to live in Mexico last summer with a close friend and her family (who live in Chihuahua, Mexico), my love for the spanish language and cultures burst into a whole new realm... Thus, fast-forward to January 2007--I was finishing off my senior year of high school in Andalucia, Spain.
Ok, so now I'm here - in my second week of college. I'm getting used to.. having the window open 24/7, two fans constantly circulating air throughout my new habitat, sharin' space with "Rooms"(Erin- my lovely, sisterly roommate whom I can be quite goofy with already:)), staying up late and getting up early to (hopefully) trek over to the Kennedy workout center, having Christensen as "the meeting spot" before heading up to meals with friends, doing a lot of good (that's what we've gotta tell the subconscious) reading for class, exploring The Cities on "the basket bike", asking people to tell me their names again, trying to go to eeeverryyy event that Augsburg offers, and having some good laughs and conversations with some people that I'm really excited to develop deeper friendships with-- There is a lot, a lot, more that I am getting used to and just soaking up-- but I will save that for later :)
As of now, about three novels are calling my name for three different classes...
Hopefully I will make my self-initiated bedtime mark of 11pm tonight.. alright, let's make it 11:30 --there's always that steadfast coffee at the caf in the morning that is an option..
Goodnight mom and dad!!
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