Wednesday, November 14, 2007

jane fonda.

So everyone knows that the verse from the song "Baby's Got Back" --that says: "playin work out tapes by Fonda..." --is referring to the one and only Buns of Steel, Jane Fonda--right??

:)) Well my buddy, Sam Smith, wanted to find out for sure so he decided to look it up on nothing but the internet-- and yes; the answer of Jane Fonda remained the truth

So Ms. Fonda graced the Augsburg community with her presence today at convocation in the gym-- The responses were mixed-- some said her speech was all right.. others said they liked it a lot

I personally went in there expecting to hear more about activism and issues of feminism; but she mainly spoke of her "Three Acts" in life --referring to every 30 years of age she builds up to
My response was one of the "ok" ones
I was just bummed about a couple of her answers that were just "I don't know"

So, as Jane Fonda left it, as will I... I just "don't know" anymore...


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