Sunday, November 25, 2007

hmm pavo.

Thanksgiving break is coming to an end as I write this... my friends are minutes away from picking me up. I have to say, I am sad leaving my parents, my dog, and my house in general... I'd really just like to stay here, sit on the leather couch and read with my parents until I fall asleep.
But it is o.k. because soon I will be back into the crazy, yet happy school life that never quits bringing surprises. Tomorrow is my Scholar Citizen Theater Lab class and I will already start our two week countdown until performance time. Man, I've gotta practice my lines tonight.
Tomorrow will hit me with a religion test, which I am feeling pretty good about. I am thinking tonight there will be some quality locked-in-room time with the "mood lamps" (set officially for studying) on... sounds peaceful to me; we'll see!

Well, let's get a move on... they're here!

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