Sunday, December 30, 2007

Lazy Sunday~

Today I lavished in what I did... which, actually to specifically explain what I did is to say "not too much!"

Isn't it great to say that sometimes??? I mean gosh--I loved it! Today
was a good, very low-key day when I wasn't worried about getting a
thing done!
I believe for humanity's mental health, it would serve us well to allow ourselves to appreciate this specific "lackadaisical" mentality... of course, the utilizing of this mind-set would not be healthy to have daily... but to realize and cherish the slowness of life can be very "endorphin-releasing" on one's state of mind and simple outlook on life!

Thoreau and Emerson were good predictors of the stresses future-America would endure... so let's give ourselves a break from those ulcer-causers and relax, eh!

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