So I have realized just how fast each day is going by... today, after my only class for the day-history, I found myself not being able to use my cognitive skills very well.. it was just one of those "wake up early and try to enjoy the day while getting 'a ton' of stuff done" days...:) well, after seeing that fruit fly hovering over our dirty soup/cereal/fruit/yogurt stained dishes; i decided to stop the history for a bit and basically clean our whoole room... so dishes were done, beds were made, laundry was finnnally folded (after letting it sit in the basket for a week).. febreze was sprayed like nobody's business, and the pungent lysol scent still is wafting in the air.. alright, so erin (the roomy:)) and i are not obnoxiously dirty people-- by any means... it's just that, sometimes other things just deem themselves more important! so, that may seem like i am rationalizing... but maybe i'll give myself a break tonight.. after my history notes/reading
..there goes the bedtime for tonight!
you tell the people that are in our room to leave!
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