Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Cabooze

God Johnson-- at The Cabooze-- every Wednesday night** Woogie Foot was just there last Saturday-- and, as my friend Kate says it, "They're a pretty big deal; so they don't come that often"
Well I'll catch 'em next time, then! But it's gotta be said that last night was a good time jammin out to God Johnson at The Cabooze

They are just famous there.. everyone was dancing around.. not caring about what anyone else thinks .. it was great and really nice to get out and do something different! Jason was my favorite singer with his "crazy legs" that he could swivel like none other;0)

So I'll be headin to the room soon to meet up w/ Amy and the other girls to go ice skating (which I haven't done for such a long time! ahhh)-- but I am excited bc it will be refreshing before History class-- and I need refreshing today--- because as I was doing some reading for a class.. I was constantly on the edge of falling asleep-- and I love the topic I was reading too.. it was just one of those times...

But I would determine that (falling asleep while reading)-- one of my greatest feats to overcome here)

Que tengais muuy buen dia~

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