Tuesday, October 16, 2007

goin to bed late..gettin up early !

so after having minimal sleep today, i am feelin good!
man, i hope it won't take long for me to fall asleep tonight (..or, should i say "this morning")
but you know what, maybe a nap would be fitting tomorrow!
It's been rainy lately and yes, it can get dreary.. but in times such as these, one must bring the cold green tea (w/ jasmine) to class in order to avoid falling asleep! haha well, that at least helps me with history
i absolutely love the class; but the problem is that i always just feel so incredibly tired during it... EXCEPT for the last two times that i've drank my green tea! so we're stickin with that

well, the honors sweet is calling my name for 6:15 am-- i've got a date with my Einstein book and its buddy- the question sheet


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