Monday, January 21, 2008

Saturday Night Escapade to the Hospital

Thank God for good, quality friends... Friends that'll even walk with you outside on one of the most freezing nights--to the U campus, waiting outside for over a half hour...only to find out the U's Campus Connector bus is on break...then being confused over where the H we are actually going... Furthermore waiting on the 9th floor's waiting area for quite the amount of time...only to have their beloved (me;) friend come back out not remembering what the heck the doctor told me was wrong with my eye.

This was Saturday night. We have pictures. --Maybe I will post them just to give you all a sense of the utter humor, tension, frustration, and love that was all occurring throughout these extravaganzas of our little "Saturday night excursion."

It also must be said that our buddy, Al, is awesome for coming to "rescue" us from being out in the cold another time. Yes, upon our plea, Al went out in the cold to pick up his friends (us)...Love ya man!


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