Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cub Foods

I'm not sure if I've written about this before... but here goes~~

So I have decided that Cub Foods is the best grocery store I have ever experienced.
Last night, after my flamenco class, my friend Jessie and I went to Cub to get some yogurt and [100%--gotta get the real stuff] cranberry juice.
While there, you are surrounding by a bunch of different people all speaking different languages, you are encompassed by a vast amount of different ethnic foods, and Jessie and I were pretending we were French!
Ha!--But, I guess I'd say it was more Jessie--because I'm a spanish-speaker here people! But she was practicing because today she'll be teaching a French Lab---
That is what's so GREAT about Augsburg, no!? Jessie is a first-year and has ALREADY gotten the opportunity to be teaching people who are up to the senior level!

Shop at Cub--Get an experience!

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