Monday, August 18, 2008

Guacamole, Pasta, and Good Company.

Last night I passed the time enjoyably and comfortably with three lovely women -- a friend from high school, her mother and sister, and their extended family -- a French student who stayed with them years ago... It reminded me of the simple bliss that a meal can entail...from the preparation of the food to the setting of the table to the opening of cupboards and drawers searching for the glasses and finally settling down around the table, taking a breath, and excitedly serving up and savoring the scents after all the anticipation -- just ready to stay there until the night ends because you know there is so much good conversation to be had.
Once I arrived the women already had set the light-hearted tone...the gas stove was little with the water just about popping as it was minutes away from boiling. Soon the pasta would be added but until then there was the chocolate-vanilla French cake to flip over and smother with the icy white frosting. Lucky for us our visiting friend came ready to make some of her home recipes. It's great to feel like you're not actually making a meal just because you're so into hearing what each person has to say, with much expression and smiles, I must add.
Vegetables were scattered around the side of the sink, dripping with water after just being rinsed, ready to be chopped. Soon they were cut and alternately dropped into a bowl mixed with lemon juice and pepper, just fit for an exquisite combination -- one that pulls the taste buds laid back time of catching up and subconsciously getting to know one another better...
We joined one another around the table which was pleasantly located on the porch... we were in the outside environment encompassed by a screen ~
Soon the pasta bowl was passed around and we laughed as my friend's mom commented, "See, the French aren't afraid to use real cream in their food." We all nodded in appreciation of the French lifestyle and cuisine, conscious of the different eating habits and regard toward meals amongst cultures.
The salmon pasta was complimented with those fresh, diced vegetables -- and afterward, the cake! Soon the tea and grapes were brought out and we went later and later into the evening with spontaneous conversation...

To a good, drawn-out meal with good people!

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