Thursday, March 5, 2009

Brasil Brasil...

So today is the 7th day being in Brasil - Fortaleza, Ceara, Brasil... ! Bom dia (which is pronounced "bom geea")! PS, this different pronounciation has been quite a change for me... It sounds lusciously good, though.
The time here has been a bit of a blur, especially since yesterday we just started going out and around the city. Last night I met my host family and, of course, I tried my best to mix in the little Portuguese I know with my Spanish. Portunol, my family calls it;)
Of course the weather is beautiful, but in this beautifulness the humidity does show itself... and my Norwegian skin makes sure to detox via the sweat method... It's as if my body has forgotten how the cold feels ( I say this with a little hesitation, as I know MN is sure to bring its cold truth back to me).

I am with a group of 24 students and our first days here were spent in what we figured out to be a Catholic retreat center. The many Mary and Jesus images gave it away;) I guess the center rents out rooms to various groups like ours. But anyway, there were times when I felt like I was on the show Big Brother... because we did not leave the "compound" until Monday. A five day orientation will really get you, let me tell you.
Fortaleza is in northeastern Brasil, along the Atlantic coast. It is an extremely flat city with a population of approximately 2.4 million people. Fortaleza also lies only 4 degrees from the equator.
Historically, the neighborhood that I and many others from the group live in is one of, if not the largest, favelas in all of Latin America (a favela can be translated into "ghetto"). Although, one would not necessarily be able to tell this because the area is so spread out and not every plot of land would constitute as this.

My family is very warm and my pai (father) just brought me to the university this morning via the bus service.
We have to start class now but I send you all my love and I will try to write back asap. The internet is not as available here, as it was in Central Am.



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