Saturday, May 31, 2008

El fin for Today

Wow; right? The list shows that in Mexico it would take the typical worker 70-75 minutes of labor to be able to afford a Big Mac.
It's super interesting because we've spontaneously started conversations here with a lot of people... whether they are Taxi drivers or people to the side of us at a museum, etc. But I can say that the majority of those people, who are mainly from Cuernavaca, always talk about their lack of support and lack of options in the job market. For example, there are huge amounts of people here who have graduated from their universities and who maybe even have their Masters, but ultimately there are just such little to no jobs that are available for them. So ultimately many of these people end up not being able to apply their accredited skills to a job that they're meant for, so they are forced to drive Taxi or be street vendors. Now, this does not say that being a Taxi driver or street vendor has no dignity and takes no skills; that is not what is meant at all. But, the point is that alll those credits earned through the university and possibly through grad school are just not able to be applied to a job that is made specifically for them.

So this is just some of the cultural analyzing we have been doing. If anyone is interested in a really powerful article, check out: "To Hell with Good Intentions" by Ivan Illich. I'd really, really recommend it*
CGE has been incredibly good at making us aware , aware in a lot of ways.

I better get to studying but my love to you all, como siempre.

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