Monday, April 14, 2008

The Greenway

Today was absolutely gorgeous.
The afternoon was just calling me to be outside.
I felt pulled.

Initially I thought I would walk-it over the foot bridge to 2nd Moon Cafe. But then the idea of "comfort zones" came into my mind.
I thought, you know, why go somewhere so close to campus?

Well, after consciously making sure I wouldn't be bogged down with a backpack filled with books that, in all reality, I knew I wouldn't be able to get to, I put the cell phone on silent (it's a shame that I even had to be mindful of that) and headed off to the Greenway with John.

I am getting to know the "ways of the bikers" more ever since the Pedalers for Peace trip to New Orleans...and I am loving it entirely.
Just biking today and seeing where the Greenway can lead to was so empowering.

I know this may sound a bit odd, but that's just how enthused and enthralled I was by getting out and being active today.

Lake Calhoun was also extremely lovely.
I'm making sure that will not be the last time I go there.


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