Monday, December 31, 2007

!El ano nuevo!

Tonight will be a time of celebration and countdown to the new year~
It looks like I'll be heading off with the parents to watch my dad and his friends play music, and I'll also stop by my friend's house to do a little gamin' (rumor has it that Mama Jude is gonna come out with her new "Price is Right" game:) )...
The food will be a-flourishin and hopefully the laughter will be rumblin'~
Get out the Katawba Juice and bring in the New Year well!

Hasta Entonces...

Sunday, December 30, 2007

News Downhill

I don't know the number of college students, or high schoolers for that matter, who watch the news. And yes, I strongly believe it is important--vital--to be informed and have an opinion on the happenings and views of the U.S. and further countries... But what I find myself more and more disappointed in is the quality of the news. Now you can't watch CNN , which USED to be my favorite news station, without seeing reports and reviews of celebrities and their drunken occurrences or hearing about the reaction of a statement that was made by Britney Spears, etc... As society grows, it seems that more and more it is extremely tainted... whether it is by bias, bad coverage, governmental influence, or what have you... so when watching the news, we must remember to use our "personal filter."
--I also recommend watching/listening to BBC News
They have shown to me the most commendable service .

:)With inquisitive interest to worldly events,


Found: old CD that was in need of being discovered

Go dig through your cupboards, search through your dressers!---I finally ventured through the mass of my CD's and uncovered an old... Coldplay assorted LIVE CD that my brother had burned some time ago!
Upon popping that thing in the CD player, my mind went into a "euphoric" state... I hadn't realized how much I had missed Coldplay:)

So get goin on it!

Lazy Sunday~

Today I lavished in what I did... which, actually to specifically explain what I did is to say "not too much!"

Isn't it great to say that sometimes??? I mean gosh--I loved it! Today
was a good, very low-key day when I wasn't worried about getting a
thing done!
I believe for humanity's mental health, it would serve us well to allow ourselves to appreciate this specific "lackadaisical" mentality... of course, the utilizing of this mind-set would not be healthy to have daily... but to realize and cherish the slowness of life can be very "endorphin-releasing" on one's state of mind and simple outlook on life!

Thoreau and Emerson were good predictors of the stresses future-America would endure... so let's give ourselves a break from those ulcer-causers and relax, eh!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Putting the Hockey Skates to the Test

I almost had to take a spill in order to find out that hockey skates do not have a back to them [like figure skates do]. But soon I realized the benefits of these hockey skates that were before foreign to me... now I didn't have to worry about tripping over the small "spikes" that the front point of the figure skates have, i could skate backwards much easier, and although the small children wearing face masks were skating oblivious to all people around them, I actually felt much more comfortable skating than the last time I had... the legs were letting loose and the fears were becoming minimal! Wohooo!!
This break I am trying to do some more "unique" things--it's nice to get out of the house and do something I ordinarily wouldn't do. However, I've gotta say that the small girls on the rink whipping out the professional spins, jumps, and whatnot,...well they were a little intimidating! ;)

To the Bud King Ice Arena!


As I type this up, the Mariachi music is going is the background... what a way to start off a Saturday morning...:) I fell asleep reading last night, and I later found out this morning that my team won against Mankato--Winona State Warriors!
I woke up and went to LaCrosse, WI with las padres... we went to the famous Fayze's, for breakfast. I recommend the Belgian Waffle with the fruit plate and yogurt!
Soon, mom and I will be off to go snowshoeing with my friend, Kelly, and her mom. This will be great! St. Mary's University has GREAT skiing and hiking trails. I guess I'll be wearing my grandma's old snowshoes that she used to trek around Wyoming with.


Thursday, December 27, 2007

what a good movie. finalmente~

I just watched a movie that I can honestly say I thoroughly enjoyed its journey. I miss movies like this. To some, the significance may not be seen, but I just connected with it somehow~
"Namesake" it is.
I enjoyed the company of Mama Brandon and Jefe (Jeff).

Boos Boos (Farsi for Besos),


Buyin the good books...

Almost hitting 1:30 pm... just browsing the internet for used books. Yes, we must prepare for the upcoming semester. My "Liberating Letters" class looks like it has got some good reading set ahead for us! Lucky for me, my lovely friend Becki informed me of ""... and if that fails, then there's always "Amazon."

Lunch was delicioso today; I recommend homemade split pea soup, if you can help it... right now, warm covers and some more hot beverages are calling my name... maybe with some scones included!....mmmm

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Reuniting w/ some old faces

Tonight my friend and I, amongst numerous people that had gone to high school with us, were reflecting together about how it's nice to see your close friends again and to continue to appreciate the people they are and their unique personalities that you've always loved and enjoyed...
It's good from time to time to be reminded of your former environment, for example, those who possibly helped encourage you to be how you are now... or for some, those who made you realize who you do not want to be.

But cheers to the friends of life~past, present, and future...

Journey to the Acoustic Cafe

Mom and I are here in the good hometown of Winona... break has been good... really nice. I am surprising myself by the amount I have slept in - Sleeping in, for me, is usually 9 am. Since break began, I have almost stayed in bed until around 10:30 - impressive!
But it's snowing today! So we decided to walk to one of Winona's most infamous coffee shops, "Acoustic." The snow is light and it just gives you a content feeling.mmmm. Work wasn't too bad this morning; no Chuck Norris jokes - yet.
Speaking of walking, though, it really is a nice idea to get and and venture to your destinations! Acoustic isn't too far from my house, so why not walk!? I am a big promoter of caring for the environment, so I have to live out what I promote and use alternative forms of transportation, for example, when I can and even when I may not feel like it. For one reason, walking rather than driving helps me to relax and replenishes me with an understanding of why I love to be outdoors. Furthermore, the other night while walking home, I noticed myself jumping up and planting my feet into freshly fallen snow, just to look back and see my clear tracks. Then as I was nearing my house, I realized absolutely no car was on the street and no one was around... sure, some homes had their lights on but it just didn't seem to matter... So what did I do? Well I started jumping and spinning around down the middle of the street, doing a little skipping. And might I add that no one was with me... yes, I am still prideful of this "childish" moment. I have decided that people need to lighten up more and not be afraid to make a "fool" of themselves at times!
So I find myself being reminded to live out this challenge...:)

Drink of the day: Cafe Miel
--for ensured enjoyment: add the details of... skinny, extra hot, one espresso shot

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

International Calling

If anyone is looking for a good source to get cheap international/state-to-state calling, use "Penny Talk."
For the majority of states and countries, they only charge you 2 cents per minute! Just go to and they will not rip you off:)

Well, there's my helpful hint for the night!

Back to the Factory...

So some extra money will be nice, right? ...
At least this is the mentality I am trying to have, since being hired once again to go back to one of my part-time summer jobs - Wincraft - the factory where I am a "decal girl."
Sitting at a table for four hours (minus the one, ten minute break I get--thank God; I savor those ten short minutes that allow me to do some brisk reading or, if I really feel like it, go outside with the women and watch them smoke), putting stickers on decorative football and baseball helmets, making sure all the bubbles are out, etc.
Sometimes, if I am lucky, we will have license plates in and then all I'll have to do is just put stickers on the objects...
I guess chatting at the table helps the time pass by faster... but we can't get too loud without some reprimation. Karl also does tell some damn good Chuck Norris jokes. I guess at 6:30 in the morning, after being up since 5:45, a good laugh can brighten the remaining four hours.

So this is kind of the jist of what I'll be doing from 6:30 am to 10:30 am for the rest of break... minus saturday's and sunday's (thank Dios)...
At least my dad will be up to eat breakfast with me!

And tommorrow it all begins...

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Departed

Christmas Eve: finished off with the movie "The Departed"
[Movie's] Ending: very fulfilling
Recommended: Yes

Tomorrow Morning: pancakes, bacon, and some yogurt

Happy Christmas Eve!

Felices Navidades a todos!!!

Happy Holidays***

I hope that all are surrounded by the presence of people they love tonight~

My parents and I just got back home from a day in Austin [Spam Town], MN. There, visited my great aunt's house and my grandma's house. The food was delicioso and I would have to say my new favorite desert of the season is the... Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookie!
What a great idea. It made the cookies even better just knowing that my two adorable young cousins made them with their mom... oh those tiny little fingers:)

Grandma Lois made us smile with her cooking (that once used to be of superb German style, but fatefully and lovingly, has gone down hill..) -- the mashed potatos were from a TV-Dinner box and were still a bit chunky... and all the rest of the food offered was quite variety-filled. Although, I did thoroughly enjoy her lobster stew!

--Mom says maybe we should start taking Grandma out to eat when we visit her from now on..;)

Love the families; love 'em!

~Best Season Cheer

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Brandon House

Speaking of passing time by having some good conversations with the friends' parents...

Today I was at my friend, Kelly's house (again) and we were celebrating her grandma's birthday. This afternoon I got some of the best laughs that I have had in a while. I hope I am that kickin when I am in my 80's. Let's just say that Grandma Smith has a very unique, dry, but utterly hilarious sense of humor (and might I add, it is definitely without trying!)... she may be in her 80's; but she is one slick lady;)

So... the point of this post... well, I guess I am trying to make one up as I am typing these words...

Ok - here it is:

Do not underestimate the elderly because just when you think grandma or grandpa might not know what's going on, they'll pull a fast one on you!



Please please pleaaase ---look this up on Google:
"Landlord Pearl"
It's probably old news but my RA, Natalie, just introduced it to me a few weeks ago and it still hasn't gotten old to watch it!

Will Ferrell always does it!

And yes! My brother is home from Iraq!!!*

Friday, December 21, 2007

Right!--the Games!

I forgot to mention that a great way to get some good communal, family/friend time in throughout these holiday relaxations is by playing games!
Tonight at my friend's house we played (and yes, the Mama Judy was there! But where was her daughter, my friend?) "If _______(being a participating player) were _________, then which of (the listed options) would he/she be and why?

It was great to hear some of the responses!

---I was told that if I were a guy, then my name would be Rico.

I would have chosen something along those lines, I suppose!

Some Holiday Gamin'

I finally went back to my high school!! --Well, tonight I went back with some friends (from St. Ben's, St. Thomas, Mankato, etc.) to see my "old" high school guy's basketball team play. It was a win, I must add!
... But let's admit, I enjoyed socializing with the adults much more than I did watching the game. I truly believe one of the aspects I miss most about my hometown is (not including my family) the parents of my friends. It's great the conversations you can get out of your friends' parents. Or is this so commonly found? Maybe I just get my kicks out of different things... like, for example, talking to Judy (my friend Erin's mom) tonight amongst a crowd of cheering/screaming fans. Then later we all (including Judy) resorted to my other friend's house (Judy and this friend's mom are close friends)... So throughout this time I found myself delving into what I had learned in my philosophy class with Professor Crockett. Then we later talked about "humanity's biggest downfall" --the automobile (from an article from my History class w/ Prof. Gustafson) and furthermore went back and forth on how technology has affected people (for the good and bad) ---opinions??

But I am leaving you all with this quote to ponder on for the noche:
(It goes something like this...)
"The Rail Road rides upon man, rather than man riding upon the Rail Road."

Thursday, December 20, 2007

"Music Without Borders"

So the image I posted yesterday is AWESOME-- I spent a large part of my afternoon (maybe too large of a part) on this National Geographic music site. It has music from all parts of the world - and from all genres. I'm thinking I might try to get my dad a cd from one of the Norweigian fiddle groups that I saw... he's an avid folk music man.
This year for the Holidays my family and I aren't gonna do the whole presents thing as much... just to save on money and I guess focus on other aspects of "the season." This is fine with me. To tell you the truth, I can't really think of anything I want. All that I have asked for is a detailed map of Europe and Asia. Then, my master plan is, that I can hang it above my bed in the dorm room and subconsciously study it before I go to bed!
And PS-- Has anyone else heard the rumor that Augsburg will be offering Farsi next school year??
I really hope so. I know Farsi relates in no way with spanish--but at least I could be more of a multi-faceted chica!

PS#2-- I miss my roommate!!!

Holiday Relaxations~~


Sunday, December 16, 2007

And we start..tomorrow...

With the end of Sunday night comes the beginning of finals. ...And yes, we are trying to smile and take a deep breath with this thought.

I just got back here to Augsburg around 4 this afternoon... E, Becki, and I went. I had to show them the hometown of Winona. It was a nice, relaxing time. I think we all just really wanted to lay down and watch movies. Which, literally, we could have done for the two days that we were there. But, we did fit a little studying in. Acoustic Cafe, one of the greatest coffee shops you will encounter in the Midwest, was a "work site" on Saturday. The chicken noodle soup helped out my cranky stomach...for a little bit, at least.
Now is just not the time to have a virus! I banking on some good sleep tonight, though!

So tomorrow I'll begin with my Religion final. Professor Quanbeck, you have done us well this past semester! --Hopefully it'll show tomorrow:)

deep sleep to all~~

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

!Viva La Virgen de Guadalupe!

Tonight, the Spanish Club hosted La Celebracion para La Virgen de Guadalupe.
So happy day of the Virgin of Guadalupe!!! She is extremely celebrated in Mexico, and notably, among Hispanic communities here in MN (or anywhere in the US for that matter)

Juve and I went to La Misa (mass) this morning at 5 AM to attend the special mass in honor of the Virgin. A Mariachi band was there; they sang beautifully and just set the mood. I've got to smile because Juve and I actually got there quite earlier than we needed to be... But oh well! Valio la pena.
At least I didn't listen to my dear friend when he told me he thought it maybe started at 4 am!;)

But the celebration put on by the Spanish Club tonight got a big turn out --- a lot bigger than was planned.
We had the Banda/Ranchera music going as well as some riquisima food options... como
sopes, gorditas, flautas, pozole, agua de orchata (which was a big hit!)
Then Juve told the history of the Virgin of Guadalupe in spanish while I interpreted... so I am thinking we will do this every year!:) Each year it will be better and more planning will go into it... Sera muy bien.

So UN MONTON DE GRACIAS a... Carrie Carroll ( and all of the people from Admissions*) and Emiliano (inc. Hispanic/Latino Services)
Thank you so much.


Monday, December 10, 2007

Saturday Night Vignette

It was a hit!!
After seeing all the improvements the honors groups had made since the start of working on the vignettes, it was great to sit back and watch/laugh at ourselves act tonight...:)
We got to do this in celebration of our first semester together (w/ Erica Huls). I would say it went by a lot faster than I had planned.
Definitely the Russian accents used by sam, paul, and colin in their "parade" were my favorite. Babuschka!
People got some good laughs out of seeing Schneipkowitz dance to an angry spanish song
... i got some laughs out of it, too... especially when he did the tango w/ becky

So tonight we went out with a bang by eating some good Pizza Luce (preferrably the pineapple) and greased cheese (which I hoped no one touched)

~And God said it was good.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

nearing empty in the MOA

Sunday Sunday~~

This morning started off a little later than expected... which admittedly turned out being very nice:). Erin (roomy) got me up at 9:10 and we began on a morning of "tranquil", easy going, studying...(maybe I should have added quotes around "studying", too). But, sabes que (you know what)? There are no regrets. Sometimes you just feel like you deserve it.
I sent out some emails, finished some odds-and-ends, and couldn't help myself from taking a nap on E's bed. The laptop was propped up on there with me and all. I even had some soothing spanish music going on there, too! Let's just say that Erin has the bottom bed, so that means that I usually like to make myself cozy on it when she's not. It's a good thing she's a share-er!
So this week starts out the final stretch before the actual finals. ...Feelin' pretty good... yeah, good!--Said with a nod of the head. So I am going to move on with this week with that exact mentality!
Alright, well more updates on that note to come~

Tomorrow's talk: Saturday night Vignette

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Coyle Center

Campus Kitchens is amazing.
This upcoming second semester I have the opportunity to be on the Campus Kitchens Leadership Team -- This will be great because then I, and my friend Kate, will potentially be able to lead the Tuesday shift that goes to the Bryan Coyle Youth Center!!
Basically we load up the infamous green, old Campus Kitchens van (that has a temperamental radio) and head off to St. Martin's Table to drop off food to the volunteers who tutor kids at the church (Trinity). After, we go to the Youth Center - where we get to interact with the kids and staff there... wearing the hair nets and all, we serve them... and persuade the younger ones to eat their vegetables!

This Thursday-- 1st Leadership meeting!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

It's bragitas time!!

We've got a convocation of women here in room 502 -- If you know spanish, then you will understand the title of this posting:)
The good estrogen is-a-flowing and we are embracing the message of the Dove commercials*
So, the real question is--- What's your pose?!

Let's just say that developing good relationships on your floor, or even in your dorm -- is so fantastic!!! and open-ended to the "themed nights" one can have:))

Sunday, December 2, 2007

simply having a wonderful Christmas time

It is not uncommon now to walk into the girls' bathroom on floor five and hear the Christmas music goin'... We are all soaking it up.
The snow was really nice this weekend; you could smell the popcorn being made throughout the halls and also the hot cocoa.
Everyone is just getting ready for the last two weeks of school.
Now I am not a big shopper and am trying to have a more "ecumenical" Christmas... but I may just have to go and check out some of those sales I have been hearing about and see what I can do.
In a couple weeks I will go and see the Christmas parade down on Nicollete! I guess inside Macy's they've got a really neat holiday set up, too (Nutcracker maybe??)

But this upcoming weekend-- Vignette time-- come and see your fellow actors!!(or at least we're trying to be:)


Saturday, December 1, 2007

movie watchin

so tonight is a "snowed in" night and becks, the boyfriend of becki (who will remain nameless), e, and i are figuring out which movie to cuddle up to..!
becki and andrew stayed over last night also... we watched "The Family Stone" - it was a good-feelin movie at the time... tonight-- "Big Fish"??
I think we're wanting another one like last night's... it must be the snow ambience*

